tammikuu 10, 2025, 12:28:16 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

One sad looking seedling...Whats wrong here?

Aloittaja zenit, marraskuu 03, 2009, 22:34:45 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


As I posted before, I have some peppers growing indoors under LEDs. Most look very much okay, however there is one exception. This is a Pili Pili pepper (frutescens) and there is something wrong with it's leaves. The plant has been treated pretty much the same as all the other ones that are doing good.

What is going on here? Should i keep it or just throw it away and start some new ones of this kind (i have more seeds).



Symptoms of overfertilizing (and perhaps some overwatering too?).
Perhaps too heavily fertilized soil?
Also, a holes in the bottom of the jar could help.

Frutes can be very sensitive for overfertilizing.
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must be fertilizer....i did fertilize it with some miracle gro a week ago. Other peppers were okay except for this one.
I do have 4 holes drilled into the bottom of the cup.

I ran about a liter of water through the soil just now, so maybe this thing will survive.


Did you dilute the miracle gro any before adding? Fatalii's site mentioned when fertilising peppers to dilute conventional fertiliser to half strength. I use miracle gro as well, and it doesnt take much :P