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Rockwool gemination questions

Aloittaja zenit, marraskuu 03, 2009, 21:12:33 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


I just read article on this website about germinating chiles in rockwool and I want ot give it a shot as an alternative to the toilet paper method I am using right now. This might be a stupid question but here it is anyway.....My question is: can I just plant the whole rockwool plug into the potting soil after I get a seedling, or do i need to separate seedling from rockwool? Only info I can find is people using rockwool plugs to germinate and then insert the plug into a bigger slab and then onto hydro setup (and never dirt).

Also, does the orientation of seed in rockwool matter? Does it matter if i lay it down flat side down, or the edge side down shoved into the wool? And finally, does the seed need to be complete dug inside of the rockwool, or does it merely need to lay flat into the little hole?


Yes, you can plant it into dirt just fine, makes things easier when you're planting the whole cube with the sapling in it. Insert it deep enough so that the stalk will start to grow roots as well. Make a small hole in the wool for the seed with a pencil or such, so that the seed doesn't wash away when watering, and just drop the seed in the hole.