My apartment, 59 degrees north of the equator ( by Michael Salemsson)

Aloittaja Michael, huhtikuu 25, 2010, 16:19:10 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


I love Fataliis homepage. But I have no idea how to show images so I will simply link to my chiliblog. It is in swedish.
But I hope google translate works well nowadays. I thought it might be interesting for us living in the north to keep
track of each others chile pepper hobby.


Those of you who are interested and think google translate is too crappy and want me to start using english on the chiliblog let me know.


Google translator seems to be able to do swedish to english just fine, I had no issues reading your blog after translation.

That Bhut Jolokia of yours really nice, bushy and tons of flowers :o


Nice :)
I've got a similar problem with my garden, I've had hundreds of flowers but I'm getting very little fruit - only one small one so far. An Annuum I bought last year however has produced 5 fruit on its own in just a few weeks. The paintbrush method didn't seem to work very well for me.


Yeah, but I think I might have improved my pollination method. The simple paintbrush wont do the trick in
cool climates with poor light conditions.
I watched a lot of youtube movies to see how to cross pollinate species. I will update my technique
as soon as I know the result in 1-2 week on my blog

I am a chemistry freak in real so my good advantage is I can steer the plants development by adding
or removing chemicals in a very controlled fashion. Even in soil. That is why I think I have so much flowers.
Unfortunately I did not calculate the light importance in the fertility process. Next time I will try to
steer flowerproduction when it is better natural light conditions.

"Puhdas kapsaisiini saattaa olla huonoa vatsalle." :D


 Yeah saw it and read it. Thanks for the link though. Does not mean everyone read it so it is good to repeat the procedure.
Problem is you wont know exactly how much pollen you actually got. So I am trying to improve that just specifically for light poor conditions.
I am working on like a pollination for "dummies" method. So everything is answered at once. Normal people wont have problems with it probably. But I like to answer my students on how it is done and have all the answers presented. Keep up the good work everyone. I am very happy that
people are so willingly helping each other with advice and tips here and there. Thanks in advance.


toukokuu 02, 2010, 11:51:41 ap #7 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 02, 2010, 11:54:56 ap käyttäjältä Trizza
Sounds like a useful resource, Michael.

FWIW I'm now starting to see results with a simple "stick a fingertip in and swish it around" method:

Direct link to Michael's blog translated into English:


Trizza, how do one paste an image here ?? I was trying to get an opinion of what pics of a B. Jolokia pod that was most estetical.


You cant upload images to the forum, but if you have your image already stored somewhere in the internet you can post it on the forums with img-tags.

So if you add following to your post...

...Result will look like:

So the syntax for img-tags is
[img]your pictures url[/img]


toukokuu 08, 2010, 15:21:12 ip #10 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 08, 2010, 15:25:31 ip käyttäjältä Michael
Could you guys please let me know which Pic of the B. Jolokia looks coolest.


I call the latter one for B. Jolokia.....lurking in the shadows.

Thanks for teaching me Kilp.




toukokuu 12, 2010, 16:40:59 ip #13 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 12, 2010, 20:39:46 ip käyttäjältä Michael
 "Perkele" it is growing now! Here is an input and some statistics of growth of my chile plants during 29 days. I am keeping Height data on my
  blog since I started to grow. I need an input about if anyone tested worms in their pot. Look at what I wrote.

  Bishops Hat ( Capsicum Baccatum)

Height:80 cm. Width: 60 cm Pot container: 10 litres

Comments: This plant got stunted and was stuck at around 61 cm. I had to make a change. The one big change I made was to put in an earth worm. One single earth worm. Otherwise it have had almost the same amount of light and watering. I have also given it  more Phosphor and Potassium as well. It has grown 20 cm in 29 days. Comparing it with 1 cm in 12 days with the previous data. Magical Earthworm?

Nice work man, your plant look healty - how you do transport without shock between indoor and outdoor climate-?
My Trinidad Scorpion have big problem with that...
First sezone
Sorry for my English


toukokuu 12, 2010, 19:32:00 ip #15 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 12, 2010, 20:02:43 ip käyttäjältä Michael
I go with the attitude if I dont know about the fact that plants can get shocked from taking them outdoors from indoors, then there is not such a thing in existance as plant shock, as such,  it can not happen to the plants as well.......

Ok, I guess the above was a poor attempt of a joke. The thing is I took my plants out in the beginning of Mars for 5-10 minutes at first. When it was like 10-15 degrees or so during the middle of the day. Then I took them out for longer periods 20-30 mins. So I just gradually adjusted them to the outdoor enviroment like that. But I take in all plants during nights. And they are not out every day, depending on if I am home or not. What I did back in Mars people tell me is really stupid. It was playing a game with the plants life and the outcome could have been or maybe is stunted growth as a result. It does not seem to have affected the plants much in a negative perspective. I know that Fatalii uses some form of cloth or so. But I thought, as long as something costs I am not interested in it if there is a cheaper option. A cheaper option being free in my case.

I used that plan and it seems to work. What I am mostly happy about is using the earthworm strategy with my Bishop Hat. The terra-cotta pot have only one draining hole. I thought the plant perhaps lacked some oxygene to the roots or something. So earthworm might be a good idea to put in bigger pots. My theory was that it would create holes and plant roots get better oxygene. Unless you are growing in hydroponics system of course.. I like to stick to soil personally so I can get some germs on my hands ( I have a silly thought that it might increase my immune system by digging into soil with the hands often).

Thanks for commenting.


I made an attempt of making some resemblance between sperm and pollen on my chiliblog. Here is an introduction to it.

" I have recently been pondering about the issue sperm and pollen. In a what some may interpretate as an imaginative angle.
But I believe there is some relevance to this perspective.

If you could view the pollen of the plants as the equivalence of animal sperm. Then you realize, empirically, that different chile peppers have different amount of sperms. As with us animals.

If you could view the pollen releasing process of a plant as the ejaculation process of for example a human being....."

I personally felt it was a funny input from my side. Hope some of you share that joy, those of you reading the input.


toukokuu 30, 2010, 19:31:18 ip #17 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 30, 2010, 19:37:36 ip käyttäjältä Michael
I updated the chiliblog about a small article of why the finnish people grow chile peppers more then the other Nordic countries
( If you are a Finlander let me know what you think about it. Also feel free to come with your own theories of why the Finns grow more peppers then the other Nordic countries on the Blog preferrably. But I will check here as well. Some pic of my first B. Jolokia mature pod. Me Happy!