joulukuu 26, 2024, 11:58:57 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Chilinferno´s 2010

Aloittaja Chilinferno, lokakuu 20, 2010, 21:11:02 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


lokakuu 20, 2010, 21:11:02 ip Viimeisin muokkaus: lokakuu 21, 2010, 22:55:34 ip käyttäjältä Chilinferno
Hey Ladies and guys

i am Johannes from Austria - i´ve been lurking in this forum for quite a while. very cool people here although i can  speak only a few finnish words  ;D
nonetheless i feel comfortable here so i want to show you my grow of this year.

here are the strains and species i´ve grown:
C. chinense Red savina™
C. chinense Fatalii
C. chinense Chupentinho x ??? ( i received the seeds labelled as chupetinho but got another result)
C. baccatum Lemon drop

Red savina - in the background Fatalii

Chupentinho x ???

Red savina and Fatalii

Lemon drop

Red savina™

Red savina™

Chupentinho x ???




from left to right:Red savina™ / Fatalii / Chupentinho x ???

Lemon drop

Lemon drop

Lemon drop

Red savina™ and Fatalii harvest  :D

Red savina™ / Fatalii --> drying the pods  :P

i hope you enjoy the pix and plz excuse the bad quality - i took them with my mobile phone cam.

hot regards


Nice pics and welcome. The best hobby in the world!<br /><br />Rohkeus lähtee vatsasta, muu on pelkkää vimmaa.<br /><br />
Lainaus käyttäjältä: mohla"Kokoamisohjehan on vain valmistajan mielipide asiasta ja kaikki mielipiteet eivät ole yhtä arvokkaita kuin toiset


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Räyhäkäs - lokakuu 20, 2010, 21:30:32 ip
Nice pics and welcome. The best hobby in the world!

thank you very much
yes indeed. growing and eating this firy stuff is the best in daa wooaalldd  8)

btw. can someone help me resizing the images?
they are quite big - how can i change it in the code?

thanks a lot


I use the windows resizer program (available for XP and Vista) before I upload any pics. A have a rather slow connection so, it would take years to upload huge pictures.

I see that you are using imageshack, on the web-page or on the uploader-program there should be a code for picture thumbnails;

picture direct address:

Full size, but resized with the windows tool and inside the ""-tags:

And a thumbnail of the same pic, using imageshack's code:

and the code:

with some "[" and "]" taken away to render the code useless.<br /><br />Rohkeus lähtee vatsasta, muu on pelkkää vimmaa.<br /><br />
Lainaus käyttäjältä: mohla"Kokoamisohjehan on vain valmistajan mielipide asiasta ja kaikki mielipiteet eivät ole yhtä arvokkaita kuin toiset


thanx Räyhäkäs 

i edited the pix
