tammikuu 09, 2025, 06:37:23 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Transplant twice?

Aloittaja luca, huhtikuu 13, 2005, 21:42:45 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »



I'm keeping my seedling (almost 2 months old) at about 25 degrees.  Is this a good temperature? It's under strong fluorescent lights, but it's not looking very happy.
First it was in a pot that was too small for it and about a week ago I transplanted it to a bigger pot, but I used cactus soil :oops:.  I think it doesn't like the new soil, because it has stopped growing and it looks "sad".  But now I'm afraid to re-transplant it to a different soil (Biolan's "kylvö ja taimimulta"), because I think it's too soon to transplant it again after transplanting it for the first time.  Does anyone have some good advice?

(I emailed this quetion to fatalii earlier, but I guess this is too much of a beginner's question and should rather be posted in a Forum! ;-) So here it is!)

BTW, I've now bought some nice shelves and installed lamps on it.  I hope it will be a better setup now.  I'm still waiting for some more seeds to sprout :? And I'll be writing a "päiväkirja" pretty soon, with pictures too! :-)
Chile Forum in Portuguese:


My Ají Amarillo seems to be recovering well now.  It was probably just stunted for a while because of the transplantation to new soil.  But now it's growing nicely again, and it has finally started to branch out! :-)
Chile Forum in Portuguese:



I am a beginner, but one thing I have noticed is, chiles seem to need transplanting quite often!

I must have gone through 5 pots for each chile, and these chiles were only sown in March or April!

I just re-potted all my chiles today, and was really amazed about how quickly their roots will fill the entire space available, and even start growing out of the drainage holes on the bottom of the pot!!  I have re-potted them every couple of weeks, I think - sometimes even wondering if the pot was too big, but no!

Now the chiles live in 23 - 30 cm diameter pots.  That will have to do until next spring....I´ll see which ones have survived (of course, I hope they all will!) and will buy bigger pots for those.

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "annesurfs"Hi,

I am a beginner, but one thing I have noticed is, chiles seem to need transplanting quite often!

I must have gone through 5 pots for each chile, and these chiles were only sown in March or April!

I just re-potted all my chiles today, and was really amazed about how quickly their roots will fill the entire space available, and even start growing out of the drainage holes on the bottom of the pot!!  I have re-potted them every couple of weeks, I think - sometimes even wondering if the pot was too big, but no!

Now the chiles live in 23 - 30 cm diameter pots.  That will have to do until next spring....I´ll see which ones have survived (of course, I hope they all will!) and will buy bigger pots for those.

True - those little (and not-so-little...) devils can pretty easily fill about any kind of a pot. ;) Yet, their transplanting isn't that necessary or critical very often. They can grow for many years successfully in almost cruelly tiny pots, and in some cases do even dislike too large pots. I've found about 20..30 cm pots (if "watering from below" model) pretty ideal in home conditions. Some people here favour clearly larger pots/sacks, though...