tammikuu 11, 2025, 00:11:12 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Number of seeds vs amount of pollen?

Aloittaja luca, syyskuu 12, 2005, 16:06:19 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »



I was wondering if the amount of pollen that reaches the pistil has any correlation with the number of seeds produced in the fruit.

My Paper Lantern's flowers produce very little pollen, if compared to my Ají Amarillo.  I have isolated some flowers to produce pure seeds and have cross-polinated the other flowers with pollen from the Ají (which seemed to have more than enough to spare).  The cross-pollinated fruits produced much more seeds than the self-pollinated ones (which in some few cases produced ZERO seeds).

What do you think? Was it the amount of pollen that actually affected the seeds production or was it some other factor?
Chile Forum in Portuguese:


I think cross-pollination in general produces more seeds of better quality than self-pollination. I don't think the amount of pollen matters as long as the flower gets pollinated. All the seeds from the same flower should have very similar genetic combinations, too.