maaliskuu 07, 2025, 04:45:25 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

C. lanceolatum

Aloittaja JohnF, maaliskuu 28, 2006, 16:13:05 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Because of all this mess, I've myself decided to call all small-berried forms of these particular plants as c.eximium (A.T. Hunziker's recommendation) and the big-berried forms as "Rocopicas". It seems to me like some of the plants classified as c.cardenasii might actually be these "Rocopicas", semi-wild capsicums. It also seems like many researchers have named small-berried forms wildly either as eximiums or cardenasii with no clear logic behind it...

My opinion ,but I think that just adds to the confusion. It is very difficult to determine pepper species based on pods. There is already a lot of confusion with pepper names.

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "JohnF"My opinion ,but I think that just adds to the confusion. It is very difficult to determine pepper species based on pods. There is already a lot of confusion with pepper names.

That may be true. Then again, I guess the confusion around this trio: c.eximium - cardenasii - pubescens with or without crossings is already pretty perfect. ;)  In this case, the size of the berries appears to be quite a good indicator of at least one thing. If the berries are small (ca. 5mm), then we certainly talk about wild c.eximiums. If they are large (10mm or so), then we talk about semi-domesticated types with genes from c.pubescens. Those are the two distinctive main classes of certain Bolivian capsicums. The only truly problematic name is c.cardenasii which Hunziker omitted totally - perhaps because its definition is very unclear.

But who knows...  :wink:


I am not a botanist so I won't go further with the pod issue except to say I don't agree.

As for Rocopica it seems like the cross it is purported to be. All my pods were like those pictured and they were thick fleshed like the pubescens with dark brown pubescens-like seeds. I had two types of flowers -one being more bell-like-or maybe they became less so as they matured


Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "JohnF"I am not a botanist so I won't go further with the pod issue except to say I don't agree.

As for Rocopica it seems like the cross it is purported to be. All my pods were like those pictured and they were thick fleshed like the pubescens with dark brown pubescens-like seeds. I had two types of flowers -one being more bell-like-or maybe they became less so as they matured

I'm no botanist either, so chances are that I don't know what I'm talking about. ;) Wouldn't be the first - or the last - time...

Both of my plants produce flowers and fruit like these:

It would be interesting to know what has become of the seeds my two plants have produced. Are all the resulting plants similar, meaning a pretty stabilized variety, or has anyone had clearly pubescens-like or very small-berried plants..?


Were the fruit of yours thick fleshed like a pubescens? Were the seeds dark? I have not grown out the seeds from mine so don't know what they will produce. Next winter I hope to concentrate on the wild varieties. Two winteres ago I started several of the wild species with the idea of doing some crossing experiments but had an infestation of mites and had to chuck them all. This summer I have cut way back and am only growing a few of them along with a some other peppers that are new to me.

Back to the lanceolatum which was the original subject of this thread--I was going to wait until it opened but....



Well that's an interesting flowerbud! Cant wait to see it opened. It seems that you are taking good care of it as it flowers already.
"As long as there are Peppers, there is Hope"
(a new Finnish proverb)

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "JohnF"Were the fruit of yours thick fleshed like a pubescens? Were the seeds dark? I have not grown out the seeds from mine so don't know what they will produce. Next winter I hope to concentrate on the wild varieties. Two winteres ago I started several of the wild species with the idea of doing some crossing experiments but had an infestation of mites and had to chuck them all. This summer I have cut way back and am only growing a few of them along with a some other peppers that are new to me.

Back to the lanceolatum which was the original subject of this thread--I was going to wait until it opened but....

Wow - that's quite a moment to celebrate! :-)

btw: my "Rocopica" berries have thicker flesh than some other wild capsicums, but nowhere near c.pubescens -type. The seeds are mid-brown.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "thietavu"
Lainaus käyttäjältä: "JohnF"I am not a botanist so I won't go further with the pod issue except to say I don't agree.

I'm no botanist either, so chances are that I don't know what I'm talking about. ;) Wouldn't be the first - or the last - time...

I am. ;)

I don't know much about the species you are discussing about, but I do know that quantitative traits (eg. berry size) may or may not be something you can distinguish different species. If there is't (much) overlapping in berry size between two species, it might be a good way to do so. However, if you look at the non-wild species, you see that in Capsicum genus berry size varies a lot within a species. So if I had to guess, I'd agree with JohnF.

Aji Inferno

The wild capsicum berries seem to have a very uniform size and shape. A berry of 10mm diameter is something I haven't heard any other wild capsicum having. Please, correct me if I'm wrong here. So, in that sense, the "large-berried" variety of c.eximium/cardenasii seems to be unique - no matter whether it's a fresh crossing or a stabilized wild or semi-wild form...

It's true that the size and shape of cultivated peppers seems to vary a lot. However, I haven't seen much of such variety in wild peppers. What seems to make "Rocopica" or the large-berried Bolivian wild pepper kind of special is that there's nothing quite like it elsewhere. The closest thing to it might be the semi-domesticated Pequin version of wild annuums...

Lots of things to research, we do have here...




That is propably the most beautiful flower I ever seen.
Take good care of it so we get to see the fruit too!  :D

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "JohnF"It opened!

Beautiful..!!! Would you mind if I put one or two of your C.L photos visible on Inferno's wild capsicums -section? With your copyright info, of course. This is unique, indeed...


you may post the pictures--I won't be able to read it correct?  :(


An extraordinary flower indeed! Those backward turning calyxes make it very exotic looking; reminds me of the Original Star Trek- series  :D  Maybe Tommi (Thietavu) can write the description in english, too?

BTW,why can`t I see the pics in your threads, John, with Mozilla Firefox? But IE works fine  :?
Mummoni viljelyohje:"Juuret tulevat multaan."

Sauli Särkkä

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Nike"An extraordinary flower indeed! Those backward turning calyxes make it very exotic looking; reminds me of the Original Star Trek- series  :D  Maybe Tommi (Thietavu) can write the description in english, too?

BTW,why can`t I see the pics in your threads, John, with Mozilla Firefox? But IE works fine  :?

What firewall are you using? It's sometimes a combination of firewall settings (I had to mess with my ZoneAlarm settings to make images visible) and Firefox's security settings.

Weird... I thought that flower looked different in a good a Maserati or Maybach among "normal" cars. I guess I'm not the only one.

When are seeds going to be available? ;)

Sauli Särkkä



I have Sygate- firewall. NO idea about any settings, though ;)
Mummoni viljelyohje:"Juuret tulevat multaan."


I'm no computer expert--pictures work fine for me with Mozilla, IE, and AOL.

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "JohnF"you may post the pictures--I won't be able to read it correct?  :(

Thanks a Million, John! I'll do a translation there as well - that section of Inferno is already partly translated, but still too much "work in progress"...


Update--now about 13" high and 23" wide--has produced a couple more flowers but no fruit. Am growing as all the others for now.



Looking great!!!

That plant will be more or less one of the very few plants I'll be growing during the winter. :)
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