tammikuu 09, 2025, 06:43:21 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

A Beginners Guide to Growing Chile Peppers.

Aloittaja Darlochileman, huhtikuu 10, 2006, 22:53:04 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Hello everyone.

One of the main reasons for starting the chileman site was to try and spread the word that growing chile peppers is both easy and fun.

One of the messages we wanted to get across was that despite all the rhetoric & speal about special soil mixtures, heated propagators and hydroponic solutions, the art of chile growing is a very simple on. If you can grow your toe nails, you can grow chiles!

So in an attempt to demistify the subject we have recently put together a simple and straight forward 'beginners guide to growing chile peppers'

You can find the guide on the following link:


Although it is aimed at 'newbies' (and will be like teaching you pro's how to suck eggs), we hope you all find it and an easy read and informative.


The Guys from the chileman (www.thechileman.org)

'Trying our best to spread the word that Chile growing is easy & fun'.  :D


Hi Darlo!

You really have a nice looking site, with lots and lots of good info! Hope to see you more here at Inferno,as well  :D
Mummoni viljelyohje:"Juuret tulevat multaan."