maaliskuu 07, 2025, 05:25:33 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Capsicum testiculatum

Aloittaja JohnF, huhtikuu 13, 2006, 01:28:14 ap

« edellinen - seuraava »


From my favorite source for unusual seeds.

--Capsicum testiculatum. CAPS-23. Packet: $2.00 Abundant round bright red ovate berries on a small shrub to 2 feet, with white flowers. Rare.


Mummoni viljelyohje:"Juuret tulevat multaan."

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Nike"Is that a valid species?

I'd say not. ;) Unless it's one of the newly found Brazilean varieties - but that's highly unlikely... Possibly another Tepin variety with another different name?

Sauli Särkkä

Mahtaisi olla samaa sukua kuin C. vehkemus, C. pallimus ja C. kassimus.

Jos on oikea lajike, niin jo on ihme homma...niin, no onhan niitä kauniita nimiä paikoilla Lapissakin.. ;)

Sauli Särkkä



Sarkka,it`s an english thread  :)

So you mean it`s in the same category as for example,C. Scrotum or C.Fallopaeteus?  :lol:
Mummoni viljelyohje:"Juuret tulevat multaan."


C. testiculatum is really Solanum aethiopicum, which
translates to the Solanum from Ethiopia.  P. Bosland  received the "C.
testiculatum" seed from the Netherlands in 1986, and probably sent a
sample to Hudson seeds.


LainausAbundant round bright red ovate berries on a small shrub to 2 feet, with white flowers. Rare.

Description doesn't sound like "Scarlet Eggplant". Where did you find out that it was supposed to be S. aethiopicum?

It's hard to believe that anyone would consider Solanum aethiopicum as Capsicum. Take a look at the picture, it looks as much Solanum as only Solanum can...

Mr. Hudson is selling Solanum gilo as well, which I assume is Solanum aethiopicum or something very much like that.
Solanaceae et vitae


A friend of mine asked Paul Bosland about C. testiculatum and that was his reply. I agree that the descriptions don't seem to match. The flowers are white but certainly don't look like capsicum flowers

I have seed on order --will be interesting to see what I get.


No tehy don`t look like a Capsicum flower. Please report what comes of them.
Mummoni viljelyohje:"Juuret tulevat multaan."


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I received the seeds yesterday so in time we will see. I am interested in the solanaceae also so this is all very interesting.


I wrote to Hudson and he says it is a valid species and he did not get the seeds from Bosland. It's getting really interesting now.

type capsicum testiculatum in the search box


Few more names for Capsicum species here...

There are lot of different names for single species. I believe that C. testiculatum is just another synonym for some known species. Possibly for C. annuum var. aviculare/glabriusculum, as Thietavu assumed.

"Capsicum  (Solanaceae)


178 species names (IPNI) found:
---SELECT A SPECIES NAME--- Capsicum abyssinicum Capsicum aggregatum Capsicum albescens Capsicum angulosum Capsicum angustifolium Capsicum annuum Capsicum anomalum Capsicum anthropophagorum Capsicum asterotrichum Capsicum axi Capsicum baccatum Capsicum bauhini Capsicum bicolor Capsicum boninense Capsicum brachypodum Capsicum breviflorum Capsicum buforum Capsicum caerulescens Capsicum campylopodium Capsicum cardenasii Capsicum cerasiflorum Capsicum cerasiforme Capsicum ceratocarpum Capsicum cereolum Capsicum chacoense Capsicum chamaecerasus Capsicum chinense Capsicum chlorocladum Capsicum ciliare Capsicum ciliatum Capsicum coccineum Capsicum comarim Capsicum conicum Capsicum conoides Capsicum conoideum Capsicum cordiforme Capsicum cornutum Capsicum costaricense Capsicum crassiflorum Capsicum crispum Capsicum cumanense Capsicum curvipes Capsicum cydoniforme Capsicum dicholomum Capsicum dimorphum Capsicum diversifolia Capsicum diversifolium Capsicum dulce Capsicum dumetorum Capsicum dunalii Capsicum dusenii Capsicum eggersii Capsicum eriolarynx Capsicum escuintlense Capsicum eximium Capsicum fasciculatum Capsicum fastigiatum Capsicum flexuosum Capsicum frutescens Capsicum fuscoviolaceum Capsicum galapagense Capsicum galapagoense Capsicum galapagoensis Capsicum geminifolium Capsicum glandulosum Capsicum globiferum Capsicum globosum Capsicum glomuliflorum Capsicum gracilipes Capsicum grandiflorum Capsicum grossum Capsicum guatemalense Capsicum hamiltonii Capsicum haughtii Capsicum havanense Capsicum hebephyllum Capsicum hebepodum Capsicum hirsutum Capsicum hispidum Capsicum hookeriana Capsicum hookerianum Capsicum hornemanni Capsicum inaequale Capsicum isothrix Capsicum laeve Capsicum lanceaefolium Capsicum lanceolatum Capsicum laurifolium Capsicum leptoclada Capsicum leptocladum Capsicum leptopodum Capsicum leucocarpon Capsicum ligustrinum Capsicum lindenii Capsicum longum Capsicum lucidum Capsicum lundellii Capsicum luteum Capsicum lycianthoides Capsicum macranthum Capsicum macrophyllum Capsicum maculatum Capsicum malacophyllum Capsicum maximowiczii Capsicum meianthum Capsicum mendax Capsicum micranthum Capsicum microcarpum Capsicum microphyllum Capsicum milleri Capsicum minimum Capsicum minutiflorum Capsicum mirabile Capsicum molle Capsicum mositicum Capsicum multiflorum Capsicum narunca Capsicum nigrum Capsicum oblongifolium Capsicum odoratum Capsicum odoriferum Capsicum olivaeforme Capsicum ovatum Capsicum oxycarpum Capsicum parvifolium Capsicum pendulum Capsicum petenense Capsicum pomiferum Capsicum praetermissum Capsicum pringlei Capsicum pubescens Capsicum pulchellum Capsicum punctatum Capsicum purpureum Capsicum pyramidale Capsicum pyraster Capsicum queenslandicum Capsicum quitense Capsicum rabenii Capsicum ramosissimum Capsicum recurvatum Capsicum rhombodeum Capsicum rhomboideum Capsicum richardii Capsicum riparium Capsicum salicifolium Capsicum schottianum Capsicum scolnikianum Capsicum silvaticum Capsicum silvestre Capsicum silvigaudens Capsicum sinense Capsicum solanaceum Capsicum sphaerium Capsicum spina-alba Capsicum stenophyllum Capsicum stramonifolium Capsicum stramoniifolium Capsicum strictum Capsicum subulatum Capsicum sylvaticum Capsicum testiculatum Capsicum tetragonum Capsicum tetramerum Capsicum tomatiforme Capsicum tomentosum Capsicum torulosum Capsicum tournefortii Capsicum tovarii Capsicum toxicarium Capsicum umbilicatum Capsicum ustulatum Capsicum vargasii Capsicum velutinum Capsicum villosum Capsicum violaceum Capsicum viscidum Capsicum wildenowii"
"As long as there are Peppers, there is Hope"
(a new Finnish proverb)


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "JohnF"I wrote to Hudson and he says it is a valid species and he did not get the seeds from Bosland. It's getting really interesting now.

type capsicum testiculatum in the search box

Did he say where he got them?
Mummoni viljelyohje:"Juuret tulevat multaan."


Here is his response

Capsicum testiculatum is a valid species - see the MoBot WWW3Tropicos database
(in our links page). The seed is from a usually reliable collector, and we
are growing out a couple ourselves. I may have a photo around here (from the
collector) and will put it on the website if I come across it. Very busy
right now with the new supplement orders. Thanks for being interested in
correct ID - mis-identified seeds are the bane of a seed bank, so I share
your concern. Thanks!
J.L. Hudson, Seedsman
Star Rt 2, Box 337
La Honda CA 94020-9733 USA


Well that really sounds like an honest and reliable answer... hmm... I have the feeling that if don`t order them I`ll regret it later  :?
Mummoni viljelyohje:"Juuret tulevat multaan."


4 days old!!

# 6 is Tabago Seasoning, #7&8 are testiculatum




Flower looks like a solanum rather than a pepper



I agree John.  The plant has little resemblence to a capsicum.  I think the leaves look more like an eggplant plant.   That is my observation from the 4 plants I am growing.
