maaliskuu 07, 2025, 05:10:39 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

photo period

Aloittaja primmy hill, huhtikuu 26, 2006, 17:44:07 ip

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primmy hill

Hello from a new grower!!
What is the photo period for chillies? Are they like roses that the more light, the longer the better? Or do they only start bearing flowers/fruit after a reduction in hours of light, just like when autumn starts?
The reason i ask is that i've just moved to an apartment and have strong flourescents available and would like to know what effect theyre gonna have. Do chillies require total darkness for a period of the day to flower/fruit? or is it better to keep the lights on for say 18 hours a day till they friut?


Well, i'm not sure, but other people have said to me that you can keep the light on for the whole day if you want, but 18 hours is enough.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "primmy hill"Hello from a new grower!!
What is the photo period for chillies? Are they like roses that the more light, the longer the better? Or do they only start bearing flowers/fruit after a reduction in hours of light, just like when autumn starts?

I grow in a g'house inside and leave the lights on 16 hrs/day.

Chiles are day neutral, ie, photoperiod makes no difference in flowering or fruiting.

primmy hill

thanks for the advise! I found that chillies are like tomatoes and like as much light as possible  :P So im going to leave them i the sun as much as poss for as long as poss.