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Sprinkler project

Aloittaja Fatalii, kesäkuu 19, 2006, 08:43:26 ap

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Sauli Särkkä

What kind of budjet would a project such as ths require? A list of each piece of required equipment, with an approximate list price would be great.

A computer-cotrolled environment would be great.

Sauli Särkkä



Well, sprinklers, just few euros each, hoses few euros, pressure pump 20-40 euros, unless you can use a water system with a pressure.
For relays, wires and sensors it's hard to tell, but I can ask if we can get an answer for those prices too.
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Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Fatalii"For relays, wires and sensors it's hard to tell, but I can ask if we can get an answer for those prices too.

Ok, so here's something about the stuff I've used in Fatalii's projects:

Sensors are based on DS1820 digital temperature sensors (www.maxim-ic.com) that use 1-wire technology. Passive master adapter for 1-wire network contains only a few normal passive components, connects to serial port and can be built easily inside of the 9-pin serial port connector casing. Price of the adapter is around 7e, depending quite much where you buy your components and discount-% (the most expensive single part is that serial port connector casing). DS1820 sensors are quite expensive, if I remember correctly around 7-8e each. You can order small set of those sensors as a sample, but I think that's for poor kids because you can get those parts easily in Finland (maxim is offering quite much other great components that you can't buy in Finland).

The relay project is just using standard parallel port and it's data lines. Controlling those data lines is simple with computer when you know how bits work. Easiest way to build the relay board is just connect appropriate relays into parallel port, but for safety reasons and knowing the greenhouse environment we used optoisolators in the design. Price is quite much depending on the design (optoisolated/non-optoisolated, volts used, how much amps must the outputs handle, what type of relays, soldering or connecting the outputs other ways, etc). The optoisolated version also should have a circuit board to get the system reliable ("näkkäri" or "verolevy" is enough and the normal size is just enough). To cut the costs, you can start the relay project with just one relay and then duplicate the design for each data line you want to use. Using the easiest way you can get 8 relays - and with some intelligence on the relay board you can get much more, or then change the design to use 1-wire technology. But those are different story and you better find out yourself the most suitable way for your purpose.

The wire I've used in the projects is normal cat5e utp. In the sensor project, twisted pair cable handles noise best, is quite small and also cheap. Also there's free pairs so you can use those for other stuff. And for the relays, cheap & compact 4 pair cable what I already had was just great.

PS. If you're going to build own relays, remember that it's illegal to use that relay board with 230V/ac (you need certificates for that). Keep in mind that it can be you who's dead because of the system and playing - it will be your own fault.


Sprinkler -project page updated:

I'm implementing the plans finally.
Hope it works well.
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