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Iloista kasvatuskautta !!


Aloittaja Aji Inferno, heinäkuu 04, 2006, 23:49:32 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »

Aji Inferno

I can now confirm Fatalii's findings about the VERY strange blooming behaviour of this unrecognized wild capsicum. Although not systematically, this one does have lots of "divided" flowers - something I haven't ever seen in capsicums. The flowers start to grow normally - then some flowers suddenly turn into 2 or more flowers with one, common pedicle. CGN originally counted this one into c.eximium, then changed their opinion: c.baccatum var. praetermissum.

A praetermissum it certainly isn't. An eximium, perhaps - but a very strange one... Needs more examination. Very interesting!


When you get them- seeds,please!  :)
Mummoni viljelyohje:"Juuret tulevat multaan."


This is getting very interesting, as my plant wasn't a mutation what we first considered as a possible option.

Here's the picture again:

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An updated article about CGN 19198 (C. sp).
Seeds available as exstras in misc. seeds packets when asked for.

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Mine is growing like a wild thing. About 1 meter across. No flowers yet.  Seeds from the seed bank.



It's blooming--lots of flowers! Buds are purple but flowers are fairly pale with baccatum-like markings



Very nice flower, John!

Does your plant also produce those "tri-flowers" (three flowers on the same pedicel), like the one in Fatalii's pictures?
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At least it looks very familliar there... some buds can be seen on the background, looks same as my plant.

Got the cutting finally rooted!

If I remember correctly, both Tommi and Harry had also tri-flowers on their plants. (From seeds).
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I don't see any "tri-flowers' . It is ,however, blooming profusely with multiple flowers per node.



Interesting to see will you find any during the season.

What do you think of it, does it resemble prae or eximium?
To me, it's quite a lot different compared to either of those.

Still one of the most interesting plants I've seen. :)
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It does seem different. I'm waiting to see the full development but the flowers, themselves are quite interesting.



I just want to know how you get peppers to flower indoors!  Your plants grown inside get huge and flower like grown outside.  I never got a plant to flower (all 8 OW plants are dead now).  That amazes me.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "JohnF"I don't see any "tri-flowers' . It is ,however, blooming profusely with multiple flowers per node.


Hi Chris

I have a glassed in "dining" area ( we never eat there because it is always full of plants) where I keep my overwintered plants. The CGN 19198 was started from seed last November and raised under fluorescents until it was pretty good sized and then moved to the window. For most of the winter ( because of our very short days) the plants just survive and then start growing as the days get longer. In this picture from last year you can see that I even supplemented the back row with fluorescents. Also, all of those I try to overwinter don't survive.


Aji Inferno

19198 drives me crazy... ;) When I look at my mature plant, with its snake-like, long, twisting, branches etc, I don't have a doubt: it's certainly doesn't seem to be a c.b.praetermissum... It does resemble a lot more the few c.eximium/cardenasii plants I've grown, but then the black magic starts. ;) The flowers... Well, no matter if they're "divided" or not, they are strange.

This CGN19198 does have an interesting other trait. After growing two different plants of this kind, I can tell that this plant is exceptionally THIRSTY - and when (often) it becomes too thirsty, it tends to drop its leaves very, very easily. Only the leaves on top of the branches stay - the others, lower in branches, simply drop. The end result is like a French Poodle's tail!

The only other pepper I've found to behave like that is capsicum tovari.


I agree about the leaf drop... very strange.
My plant doesn't drop too many leaves, but it still does drop some even there's enough nutrients for it.

Strange plant in every possible way!

Registered users on my site might find seeds for it a little later...
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i have not noticed any leaf drop but the spidery growth habit does remind me of cardenasii.


It does remind many plants, but just not enough somehow.... place them side by side... quite easy to tell they're very different?
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Pretty big pods compared to Fatalii's ones, seems they all will be bigger than blueberries.


wonderful plant
I must try the next year   :wink:

Aji Inferno

After reading some more material and discussing things with Fatalii, my current guess about CGN19198 is pretty wild... Literally. ;)  The plant is very, very likely one of the c.eximium/cardenasiis. But which one?  The solution may be very obvious. It looks like a crossing of some kind, because some plants have almost white flowers and some have purple ones. But what crossing could it be..?  Well, in Bolivia, there are three different forms of Eximium type: c.eximium with purple, flat flowers, c.cardenasii with purple, bell-shaped flowers, and c.eximium var. tomentosum with almost white flowers...

So, my best bet is: this can well be a natural crossing between c.eximium var. tomentosum and the "normal" c.eximium.
