tammikuu 08, 2025, 04:49:40 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Ok, I'll try it this year.

Aloittaja JohnF, maaliskuu 10, 2007, 22:49:51 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


These are going now--started early winter and some from last year. Plan was to do some crossing experiments but they are still fairly small ( except for those overwintered) and I had  cut everything back to defeat thrips ( and I did) but am now battling aphids ( ladybugs arrived 4 days ago)

904750136   *********   cardenasii
Bird,Texas-Monticello   *********   annuum v. glab.
Black Cluster   *********   annuum
CAP 1473   *********   microcarpum
CAP 215   *********   microcarpum
CAP 499   *********   chacoense
CAP 500   *********   eximium
CAP 503   *********   eximium
Capsicum cardenasii-MB   *********   cardenasii
Capsicum ciliatum   *********   ciliatum
Capsicum lanceolatum   *********   lanceolatum
CGN 19198   *********   praetermissum
CGN 21569   *********   annuum v. avicul.
CGN 22208   *********   galapagoense
CGN 22795   *********   praetermissum
CGN 22839   *********   frutescens X
CGN 22876_SEB   *********   tovarii
CGN 22876-MB   *********   tovarii
CGN 23205   *********   bacc. v. bac.
Chicana Purple   *********   
Chiltepin   *********   annuum
Cobincho-BR    *********   exile
Cobincho-NMDUC   *********   chacoense
Jam. Scotch Bonnet Brown   *********   chinense
Maureen's Bolivian Yellow   *********   pubescens
PI 260437   *********   chacoense
PI 260579-AB   *********   bacc. v. praet.
PI 260595-AB   *********   bacc. v. praet.
PI 273419   *********   chacoense
PI 355811   *********   pubescens
PI 439414-PK   *********   chacoense
PI 441654-MB   *********   bacc. v. praet.
PI 446909   *********   bacc. v. praet.
PI 631150   *********   bacc. v. bac.
PI 632921   *********   annuum v. glab.
Scotch Bonnet TFM   *********   chinense
Tovarii   *********   tovarii
Tree of Paital   *********   exile/baccatum
Venezuelan Purple   *********   annuum

I lost some of these and have revised my grow list.-See post of 5/29/07 for list of what I'm actually growing this year


WTF? Are you really going to grow that many plants? You need a field to grow them!
Tuotetun tekstin määrä on suoraan verrannollinen nautittuun alkoholimäärään.


Don't have a field. We live in the city. I use lots of pots and put them all over the yard, wherever it's sunny.


Aji Inferno

Quite a collection, I wish you the best of luck with them! :-)

Well, I've managed to grow something like 70+ different varieties at the same time on my balcony, here in Finland... So, things can be done. ;)

btw: CGN19198 doesn't have an "official" classification at the moment. Still, judging from my own, quite healthy plant, and Fatalii's plant, this very strange capsicum isn't a praetermissum. That's certain, I'd dare to say. It seems to be an eximium, or at least a very close relative to that.

With all the mess around c.cardenasii, c.eximium and c.pubescens, it would be good to get some reliable info about the real differences between cardenasii/eximium/praetermissum...

p.s: anyone yet tasted a Lanceolatum fruit..? Hot? Flavour? Anything? :-)


I have grown this many before and the biggest problem is keeping them watered.

Am growing CGn 19198 to see what I get because of all the discussion. Packet from the seedbank I got this winter still says pratermissum. But I have had lots of things mislabeled from seedbanks.

My lanceolatum did not produce pods last year but now has a couple of ( unripe) pods. Intersting note. Iwas given seeds by a fellow who did get fruit and none of them germinated. He then tried and none of his or another friends germinated either.


After growing cardenasii, eximium, praetermissum and comparing them to CGN 19198, I wouldn't draw the line to any of these, but the closest match could be C. eximium if one wants to draw the line somewhere.
Still, I think it's quite unique, here's an article about that btw:
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

Join Fatalii FACEBOOK with over 75 000 chileheads all around the world!

Check the latest chile articles and pictures here:
Being updated all year around


Hi Fatali

Thanks for the article. Makes me even more curious to see what develops.


Hi Guys,

I too are growing out CGN 19198 and Capsicum Lancelotum this year to try and provide further photographic and documentary evidence for you Guys to interpret.

I'll try an update the database this afternoon with Johns info to make sure it is as accurate as possible

That is one hell of a list of peppers John. What on earth do you do with them all? After all there are only so many plants you can given away to friends? You must have 100's of friends  :lol:



I do give away extra plants but there usually aren't that many of them. I only sow a seed or two of each variety hoping to end up with one plant of each. The peppers, themselves are another thing. I freeze a few, dry a few, and give a lot away--make my wife very popular at work.


Hi John,

Due the lack of space. Im only planting 1 or 2 seeds of each variety this year. If I dont get a healthy plant, their is always next year wink:

Ive updated the database with some of the varieties we were missing. Unfortunately I havent had time to find out more information on them yet though.



Hi Mark

Be glad to fill in what info I have from sources. Can you give me a list of them?


Hi John,

That would be any of the varieties you listed that has 'Description currently unavailable' next to the entry in the database.

Feel free to update the descriptions in the database using the passwords I gave you. Don't go out of you way though as its a massive undertaking. It will take years of just plodding along, putting in more info as and when I find it. I must be mad!!



Finally! Ripe C. lanceolatum


Bland with no heat.

Aji Inferno

Congrats, John!!! :-)

Any sweetness? Apparently, no heat at all..?

Would you mind if I used those photos in Inferno's "Wild" section with your name? They are very good!


No sweetness or much of any taste--the scale in the picture is in inches so about 1/4 inch diameter--no heat at all--yes you may use the pictures.

Aji Inferno

Thank you, John!

It seems like we're finding out the reason why these 26-chromosome peppers haven't been cultivated... There's little practical value in either this or c.rhomboideum, unless there are healthy etc. characteristics in them we don't yet know about.

Wonder when one of us will have a chance to grow the first "true" Eastern branch capsicum of 26 chromosomes, from Brazil...


I think you are correct about the limited usefulness of the rarer species being a reason they were not cultivated. But it may also be that these species contain genetic characteristics that could be useful in pepper breeding.

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "JohnF"I think you are correct about the limited usefulness of the rarer species being a reason they were not cultivated. But it may also be that these species contain genetic characteristics that could be useful in pepper breeding.

Absolutely true, John. Nobody ever thought that something like c.flexuosum could be not only cold-resistant, but extremely so, up to the point where they can survive arctic conditions! So, any of these rare plants can well hold some secret we can utilize one day...

And even if they don't, they are treasures as they are!  8)

david nordin

I will try to enforce use of wild peppers in food here (Sweden) :)


Finally planted pepper seeds today!