tammikuu 05, 2025, 00:24:39 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

C. Tovarii Seeds Wanted

Aloittaja cmpman1974, huhtikuu 09, 2007, 19:46:10 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


I've been wanting to grow this one for a long time.  I sourced a few seeds a while back, but got 0% germination.  It surprises me because I'm pretty successful germinating most varieties of hot pepper seeds, whether domesticated or wild.   This one, along with CGN 19198 eluded me.

If anyone has extra seeds of either, I'd love to trade for something.  It is too late this season for me, but can you keep me in mind come Fall?  Thanks much.



Hi Chris

That was the hardest for me to germinate. I failed many times over several  years with seeds from several sources. I now finally have plants going so perhaps in the fall I will have seeds. Will let you know.

On a related note--my lanceolatum finally produced fruit but so far those seeds, like yours, have not germinated.


I couldn't believe it today.  I planted several C. Tovarii seeds (my last few) on 12/31/06.  Obviously, they never came up as I mentioned before.  I gave them up for dead, but left a dried out tray of soil in my basement with faint hopes.

Wouldn't you know it?  Today one C. Tovarii seedling popped up!!!!!  Note, that is 106 days from planting date.  I'm not sure if it'll materialize into anything, but it sure shocked me.   I guess good things come to those who wait.



I have noticed that C. Tovarii is a plant much difficult one





The C. Tovarii plant is still alive, but basically stagnant.  This is one variety I can't get to grow much at all.  It must not enjoy our weather.  I'm at a loss as to why I fail with it consistently.

These are finnicky though.  My C. Flexuosum plant went months with hundreds of flowers dropping off.  Two weeks of lower temps and now I see small green pods on it.  Go figure.  Like Jukka and others said, it must like colder weather.  Same experience with Rocotos.



I confirm the colder time helps  :D


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "JohnF"
On a related note--my lanceolatum finally produced fruit but so far those seeds, like yours, have not germinated.

Maybe they need a period of rest or cold, or both, before they will germinate? Many wild plants do.
Mummoni viljelyohje:"Juuret tulevat multaan."


Actually, I finally did get some germination and now have two small plants in addition to the large one. They have all been brought inside and I'm hoping transferring pollen between the plants will increase pod set. ( one of the smaller plants flowered but did not set pods) Stay tuned.


I'm curious if anyone has a few C. Tovarii seeds.  My attempt failed in 2007.   I am growing something this season that I "thought" was C.Tovarii, but it's not.  I would love to take one more shot at it.  

I know it's searching for a needle in a haystack, but I figured I'd try. :)



I wish you luck, Chris. I had three plants going. One turned out to be  some kind of baccatum and the two which seemed to be Tovarii died. So this continues to be the one I have never succeeded with.