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Mixed up Datil and Mixed up Tasmanian Hab

Aloittaja koolguymike, toukokuu 23, 2007, 05:48:51 ap

« edellinen - seuraava »



I have never grown datil before but got gifted some seeds. the only seedling that sprouted looked stunted and the leaves were wrinkled around the edges from day one. the plant has stayed small and the bloom so far has been tiny. so luckely i have a second plant going and although it isnt that big yet it is looking much more like i was expecting. i was expecting a plant like a fatalii.

some pics of the datils;


Tasmanian Habanero

There seems to be some mystery on this one.... not much info out there. i received my seeds via a seed trade online. I am not sure if they are supposed to be chinense of annum but i am thinking annum. i planted 3 seeds and got 3 seedlings. they all turned out to be diffent pod shapes but the flowers are about the same size and shape, one plants flowers are all white and the other 2 have slight purple tinge to the edge. the white flower one has the small round pods. of the other plants the pods are very cayenne shaped and long while the other is serrano or bullet shaped.
anyone have some input on this variety?

some pics of the tasmanian habs i have;


click the pics and they get bigger :D
let me know what you think




I think your Tasmanian Haba is not a pure variety but a (unwanted) hybrid or just a mix-up of the seed provider (three different varieties) ... no variety should represent such a variability in the pod shape

Your Datil has a serious nutrient problem... could also include pH problem... IMO best option would be re-potting and gentle feeding..

Take care,
¨käynks mä usein täällä?¨


i think both the datil and the taz hab are crossed, but do leave the possibility the seed probider for the taz hab did make some sort of sorting error.


The Datils almost look like they have a virus or something --seems something other than nutrient deficiency. Here is a picture of my Datil--as you can see the leaves are a bit crinkly but not as distorted as yours.

I'm growing Tasmanian Habanero and will let you see what I get.



i have been thinking datil is a runt - which would figure into what you are saying - virus... i think. i really didnt want to think it was JUST nute def. since all my plants have been fine while getting the same treatment, which includes the 2nd datil i have which looks just fine. Had a very slow growing runt (ubatuba cambuchi i think) and only got 2 unripe pods from it... but still fun to watch grow.

as for the Taz good luck. from some other replies i have gotten some think the strain isnt that stable or a hybrid. the seeds i have were not bought but made with open pollination and traded for. but i think odds are slime i would get 3 completly different looking pods on 3 plants and none of them look like what i was expecting.

more pics of these mixed up plants later (ripe pods)



Hi Michael

Your Tasmanian is a mystery--3 different pod types and they look like annuums? Be curious to see how things develop.

As for viruses-sometimes they can be interesting. Here is a Thai Variegated that a horticulturist friend thinks is the result of a virus.

Also was talking to the nursery guy yesterday about my tarragon dying and he said some of the problems with that plant were that it was infected with a virus and people were trying to eliminate it but were afraid it might not taste the same.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "koolguymike"
as for the Taz good luck. from some other replies i have gotten some think the strain isnt that stable or a hybrid. the seeds i have were not bought but made with open pollination and traded for. but i think odds are slime i would get 3 completly different looking pods on 3 plants and none of them look like what i was expecting.

The seeds you got may have come from a F1 hybrid, so the offspring can be very varied. I had two sets of unknown hybrids in the garden last year. One I was sure that the seeds came from same plant, since I collected them myself. Two years ago I grew Purple Largo named variety from bought seeds. One of three plants produced differen looking strawberry size and shape pods. I saved seeds from that plant and planted the seeds and grew them last year. The pods I got in each plant were totally different from each other. One had small hot bell peppers, other one had elongated pods and third was almost like the original.

An other set of unidentifiable peppers grew from Aji Andean seeds, which I got from John. Four plants produced three different kinds of pods.

I think that these unknown hybrids add interest to growing chiles. I saved seeds from last year's hybrids and will grow them to see, what they will produce as later generations. For example the hot bell pepper is quite interesting variety and one of the Aji Andean hybrids was heavy producer of tasty sweet peppers, which looked like small version of Red Marconi.
Ei reisuus rikastu, mutta viisastuu...


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "svalli"The seeds you got may have come from a F1 hybrid, so the offspring can be very varied.

this is what i am wondering about this variety...  hybrid perhaps. if so this is my first grow of hybrid offspring seeds, and like you even mention i am finging it very fun to see "what is behind curtain number 3"

i will be eager to see what you come up with with your seeds john. in all the internet searching i did come up with at least one reference to it being an anuum but all others said chinenes. and it really grows and looks like an anuum.

thanks both for sharing your pictures.

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "cornell"Hi
..... IMO best option would be re-potting and gentle feeding..

Take care,

thanks Cornell
sorry forgot to reply to this one. the datil looked/acted like this from seed cell tray. when i repot i always feed light after and it has been repotted 2x and it just keeps on behaving the same why. crazy lil' bugger :brick:

more when ripe


when i posted the pics of the Tasmanian Habanero i thought all the pods had reached full size / finished growing but the plant in this picture

the small round looking (cherry pepper looking) pods are now starting to change shape to more of what i was expecting, pointy and more box shaped at the top. i guess i was a bit premature on posting them.
i will still post pics once ripe.


Tasmanian Habanero?

the round pod plant, once planted in the ground and behaving happily, started to form pods a bit differently, with a bit of a point to them.

the other two plants are both loaded with pods.

and a comparison of the pods once ripe, laid out on a ruler.


edit-i am really starting to think this was a seed mixup :roll:


update on my crazy Datil plant.

i have a ripened pod and its a rich yellow colour. pod is almost 1 inch long and the green ones smell like a flavourful chinense. i wont be eating this one for a week yet so i dont know about taste.

i think the high calcium in the bone meal helped this plant get back on track. its brother in the garden is huge in comparison and has larger fruits on it but they dont look like they will be in the 2 inch range Datils should be.....? the plant in the garden was showing some crinkle at the time of bone/blood meal so added to it and it also rebounded to a very nice health.

as for the tasmanian habs i think i really have; serrano, cherry, and cayanne. the serrano works out since the serrano i traded for seems to be a jalapeno. in the future more purchased seeds from reliable sourses and trades ONLY from reliable people... but that doesnt stop me from GIVING to almost anyone.
