maaliskuu 11, 2025, 13:20:40 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Your favourite baccatum

Aloittaja patahontas, marraskuu 24, 2007, 21:46:12 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


I am starting to choose chile peppers for the 2008 season.
If you would choose a couple of baccatums to grow, which ones would it be?



Here are some:

"Kaleidoskop" (source: IPK)

"CAP 445" (source: IPK)

"Lemon Drop" (source: John Tailor)


Thanks for your reply, I have never grown Kaleidoskop but I have it in my seedcollection and I will definitly try it next year. I have never grown cap 445, but I have grown cap 455 it was very prolific with large pods. Lemon drop (Hot lemon) is one of my favorites too. Another favorite of mine is Peruvian Pointer PI 215741, hot with very sweet taste, also prolific!


More Baccatums:
Starfish and PI441551
Both they are great
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Yes, Starfish is nice and very tall (well over 2 meters in one season!-this year on my balcony). I have seeds of PI441551 and heard lot of positive words about it. So i will definitly try that one next year, thanks!



My favorites are Aji Cristal, Champion and PI260560. And next season I'll try Starfish, Inca Berry and Inca Red Drop.


Aji Critsal is great, and PI 260560 was the most prolific plant this year. Champion I have never tried - but I have the seeds:) I am also considering to grow Inca Berry and Inca Red Drop.




You might try also CAP 1035. It's called "Ulupica pepper" and shall be caps. eximium, but isn't.

It tastes like some bacc. but isn't. Very good yield, medium hot, fruits about 7 cm in lenghth, fruitcolour yellow, very variable. Leafs with some heat and good taste.

Regards Juergen


My long time favorite is champion too!
Can't have a season without it. :)

Aji Cristal is a long time favorite too.

Lemon Drop x PI 441551 #1 hybrid was a very pleasant suprise!
I liked it even more than normal Lemon Drop.

PI 260567 was a very prolific with big tasty pods with nice heat!

Inca red drop is great if you want to have a compact bush with full of small bacccatum pods.

Starfish is very good indeed, only problem is, what to do with all the pods!
Plant can grow very large, even 4 meters!

White wax was a pleasant suprise too, I liked it a lot!
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

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Thanks for all the replys!

It is very intressting with compact baccatums as many of them tend to be very tall. I have grown Aji Benito which was rahter short. Does anyone know any other low/short/compact baccatum.

I think I will grow these baccatums 2008:
Aji verde
Aji white wax (italian white wax)
Criolla sella
Champion or Pi 441551
Inca berry
Inca red drop
Aji habanero
Aji norteno

and maybe some of these

Aji ammarillo mirasol
Aji bolivian red
Aji colorado
Aji golden
Aji orange
Aji pineapple
Aji rojo
Baccato da orto
Bird pepper
Birgits locoto
Bolivian gold
Brazilian red pumpkin
dedo de moca
Dong xaun market
Heart throb
Indian Red (Pi 370004)
Rain forest
Red olive
