Seeking These C. Pubescens Seeds - Government Accessions

Aloittaja cmpman1974, joulukuu 22, 2007, 01:04:15 ap

« edellinen - seuraava »


I am looking to trade for the following C. Pubescens varieties:

- CAP 357
- PI 355811
- PI 585266
- PI 593618
- PI 593619
- PI 593624

If anyone has these, please let me know.  I'm happy to work out some type of trade.  Thanks!  :D



I have at least some of them on my seed pages.

It's getting a bit late for me to make a trade for this year... send me an email if interested.
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

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Being updated all year around


Has anyone ever grown any of these C. Pubescens from AVRDC:

- CO 0789
- CO 1256
- CO 1286
- CO 1308
- CO 1461
- CO 1608
- CO 1738
- CO 4890
- CO 5500

They don't appear to cross-reference with any USDA or CAP C. Pubescens.  Any seeds available?
