tammikuu 10, 2025, 12:33:18 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

hello everyone

Aloittaja Chili_Freak, kesäkuu 15, 2008, 21:54:31 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Hi all

Just joined, hopeing to learn from you all as im new to this chili growing madness. Yes im an Englishman living in Finland and have just got my first few plants from a friend and have been hooked by the chili bug.

Nice Forum you have here , im sure i will learn alot  :?

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Chili_Freak"Hi all

Just joined, hopeing to learn from you all as im new to this chili growing madness. Yes im an Englishman living in Finland and have just got my first few plants from a friend and have been hooked by the chili bug.

Nice Forum you have here , im sure i will learn alot  :?

Welcome to our hot madness! :)  Where do you live here in Finland?


Welcome, too! :) It's always nice to see new faces in here! What chilis do you have?
Hurrrrrrrjan hyvää.

-Sunnikan (B)Lokikirja. Elämää tai ei.


Im living near Palkane Tampere, and the chilies i have are

Scotch bonnet
Inca red drop

ive not had them long so lets see how they grow they are only around 20cm  tall at the moment.


Sounds good starting kit :P *drool* When you have time upload some photos so we can see! How long have you been living in Finland, btw (we're almost neighbours! :D) ?
Hurrrrrrrjan hyvää.

-Sunnikan (B)Lokikirja. Elämää tai ei.


Heres a few pics

Im living in Aitoo near Palkane i expect you know where i am, i use to work in Valkeakoski so i know the area where you live.

i think i need a proper greenhouse for next year.


hiya chillifreak some wonderfully healthy plants there  :)