another question?/Indoor grow update 17-07-2009 Update!!

Aloittaja lee, elokuu 02, 2008, 01:01:19 ap

« edellinen - seuraava »



Installed some heating for my chilli's to maintain good temperature during the night. Nighttime temperatures are dropping dramaticly over here so I think it was a good decision to get some external heating.
It's a 60W bulb that produces only heat and no light,

Think I have to repot again very soon. Root growth is beyond what I've seen so far . The plants are about 20 cm, was 7-10 before i repotted them

Look at the flowerbuds!! Hope to see some flowers very soon

Other side

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


My 8th week growing with CFL nearly completed. Below some pic.

Adjoema Red (Aji Oema, or something)

Dorset  Naga

Bhut Jolokia

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


first flower on a aji oema

Dorset Naga

Red Savina (top view)

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Repotted 4 of my plants to 7,5 liter containers. Roots are developing very fast as shown on pic below

Sitting in the sun for a while

Back to the CFL

About 3 weeks ago since last repot.

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "lee"Repotted 4 of my plants to 7,5 liter containers. Roots are developing very fast as shown on pic below

Next time it might be wise to repot even earlier. It must have been difficult to release roots from that mess. Did you repot is as a whole or did you try to spread the root ball without breaking any roots?


It was pretty easy to remove the rootball from the container. I did not try to spread the rootball because i did not want te damage the roots.
Is there any (dis)advantage?
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "lee"It was pretty easy to remove the rootball from the container. I did not try to spread the rootball because i did not want te damage the roots.
Is there any (dis)advantage?

If you manage to spread the roots, the plant will continue growing faster. But I agree that in that kind of situation it might be difficult to do that without damaging the roots.


My repotted plants continue to grow fast. They realy like it in there new container.

The largest plants are about 30 cm. Pic below shows an Aji oema Red (adjoema). The reflector hangs about 60 cm from the bottom.

Red Savina.

Some flowers on an Aji oema. Havent changed my bulbs for red light bulbs (flower) yet. I think they need some more growing.

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


My plants are still growing on

hasn't come to fruitset yet

The yellow stains on some of the leaves seem to be caused by using warm(25 degrees C) tap water. I gave it to them about two weeks ago. (Why?, never mind just dumb). Warm tapwater can contain a lot of various metals due to disolving of the inner side of the water line, wich is mainly copper (lead in old houses) around here , and of course chlorine. Now I am using cold tapwater that i heat up under the lights. I hope that most bad stuf, wich is no good for my plant will evaporate . Untill now stains are not spreading anymore and new foliage is green.

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Took the plants outside for some pics

Aji Oema Red

Dorset Naga

Red Savina Habanero.

Dutch Habanaro F3

DHF3 Leaf

Bhut/Bih Jolokia

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Finally yesterday repotted all my plants to 7,5 liter containers. Removed 1 Naga to give some extra space to the Red Savina.

Gave them some Chili Focus this morning.

De bhut is flowering too. New flowerbuds on the Savina are showing themselves at plant canopy.

Bhut jolokia

Red Savina

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's



I finaly switch my CFL grow tubes. I replaced the growtubes(white 4000K) for flowertubes (red 2100K). Below some pics

Last shot under growlight

Empty house

Here the new ones

CFL red light district.

There they are

with flash on

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Cool stuff Lee!
I like that cabinet you've made there but it makes me realise I've got way too little light (only a 36W fluorescent).
Beautiful plants too! Really nice to see them evolve. Good thing you've kept posting even though not too many people have been replying, heh.
Chilli tastes good. And burns nicely as well!


@Mads thx, would love to see some more people replying who have simular experiences.

My Red Savina is flowering again and many flowers are showing themselves. There are so many buds that i cant even count them. I hand  polinated the opened flowers to be sure that i got it all right. Daytime temps are 26-27C, nighttime temps are 18-19C. Well keep my fingers crossed

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's



This morning I was hand polinating some flowers on my Red Savina. I picked up some pollen that fell on a leaf

I used a q-tip to transport pollen from one flower to another. There was plenty of it so must be a good thing

Picture below says it all. After checking to whole plant on flowers i noticed something familiar

My first homegrown CFL chili peppers :D  :D . He still small. But Mother artificial nature, did her work!! Was very happy too see it of course.

I had to remove 1 more plant because it was getting very crowdy in my box. My Bhut Jolokia's are about to flower, and with the positive "news" i got, I hope to give them a better chance to set fruits.

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Must be my lucky day. Again found 2 more little Red Savina's.



First I found 2 days ago. Growing good :)

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Fruits are setting realy good. Today i saw another little Red Savina chilli. The Bhut Jolokia's are flowering too and hope they will produce some fruits soon.
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's