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Latest Bonchi Projects - by Fatalii

Aloittaja Fatalii, joulukuu 28, 2008, 02:05:53 ap

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Okay, I will post bonchi projects here as the season progresses, here are couple of examples:

Here's one that is actually flowering and producing fruits now so this pic is few weeks old, updates coming soon:

Here's also one which has grown a lot since taking this pic approx 3 weeks ago... more pics to follow...

Here's a project which is just starting.

Here's a principle how to turn your large, non-practical plants into a pretty bonchis which are easy to overwinter and to keep pest-free!

Remember, the address for bonchi is: http://fatalii.net/bonchi
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A few latest bonchi pics here:

Here's one that was roughly just a stick few weeks ago.

For now, I will keep pinching of the largest leaves and I will be bending the growing stems to make more beautiful foliage.
More pictures to come!
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My Bonchi shelf with some of my bonchis:
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More bonchi pics at fatalii.net updates section, recently added!

I tested different kinds of fluorescent tubes to see which will work best when "waking up" the bonchi stems.

The best one was clearly Warm White tube for this task.
I was expecting cool white to work better in this case but no.

Metal halide works also great but it's so damn powerful.

LED lamp will be tested soon for this purpose.
More about it at fatalii.net site.
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Some pods ripened under the 90W LED lamp!

Here's a fresh post about one week test drive with LED lamp:
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Posted this one under the LED test topic but should be here too:

It seems that Dutch-Habanero F1 is defnitely one of the best Bonchi plants there is!
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Hey Fatalli, I like your Bonsai very lovely plants, do you have any more pics of your favourites?
You make me want to try doing some with my extra plants  at the end of season!


Nice to hear you like them!

Here on the other topic are few on the windowsill, I have plenty of bonchi pics all around, you can find some here:
(fatalii.net/chile and choose search from there to look for something spesific).

There are also some at http://fatalii.net/bonchi
I got to update it really soon!
Would be great to hear about wishes for developing this section too at developing section of the fatalii.net forum. Just tell me if there's some spesific info you need to know about.

I can  honestly say that bonchis changed very boring winters into a fun work with chiles!
How they look is only a one little thing, the most nicest thing is to work with them and see the progress very quickly, without having to wait for 20 years for them to grow! :D
And.. those same plants can be repotted to large plants to get great, great yields once again during the sunny season.

I also use my bonchis as motherplants before the sunny season. Which means I take cuttings from them to multiply the best producing plants.

They are FUN, BEAUTIFUL, and very USEFUL!

They also  use very little space which makes them perfect for people for limited space.
For example, when growing only indoors!
It makes them also great of overwintering, you can fit your favorites in a very small space, under one lamp or light windowsill.
And most important, when you have created your bonchi and it stays alive, just make sure it has plenty of light and the growing and shaping itself will be very easy and simple!!

Good luck with your projects and remember to post your bonchi pics here!

Lainaus käyttäjältä: JungleRain - maaliskuu 12, 2009, 12:30:23 ip
Hey Fatalli, I like your Bonsai very lovely plants, do you have any more pics of your favourites?
You make me want to try doing some with my extra plants  at the end of season!
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Awesome job, Fatalii!  :o Dutch-Habanero F1 is my favorite, so many small pods. ::)

I get interested  very much about Bonchi growing. I was thinking is it possible to grow Bonsai chile from every type/variety chile seeds? So it doesn't has to be Bonsai chile seed and i can grow my very own Bonsai chile from like any chinense or baccatum seeds?  :-\
Mainokset, grafiikka, suunnittelu, logot, bannerit, ulkoasuntoteutus...


Watt: of course you can use any varieties you want!! You can find more information at the bonchi section of my site http://fatalii.net/bonchi

It's good to keep in mind that it might be hard to get yield from varieties with large fruits like rocotos (I managed to get one pod!) but varieties with small fruits are perfect for producing some beatiful pods.

DH F1 pods are usually larger but that variety is very able to fit the currect conditions perfectly.

I love rocoto bonchis even though they don't produce yield as they will easily have some very pretty forms.
And also keep in mind that you can change them into "normal" chile plants when ever you want (to large container) or back to bonchi when you so desire!

Here's one rocoto bonchi:

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I'm very happy with the results I got from C. rhomboideum Bonchi so far!

Pic shot 9th of April 2009.
This plant is just little over 1 year old... from a seed!!
"From Seed To a Tree" -project is what I call creating a tree in a 6-12 months.

A little story about this project:

Germinated around 15-30th day of february 2008.
Here are the seedlings little later, both in a same hydro pot.
They were grown hydroponically at first.

A little later, they looked like this:

And finally, I got plenty of flowers and pods:

After the harvest... would I overwinter the plant as it is or cut down it a little... ? NO!!
It would be time to turn it into a Bonchi plant, the best way to overwinter a chileplant!

To put it very simple:
Cut the plant totally down and trim the roots after (not trimmed on this pic):
Actually, on this pic taken 30th September 2008 you can still see two stems fusing together!!
On the latest pic shown first on this post, one year later from germination, they are completely fused into one plant!!

Here it is after repotted into bonsai pot.
It just have started growing after cutting it completely down and after trimming roots.
The thick stems have been wired down to make it look better later... Doesn't look too good at this point. :)

And the result... is the first pic on this post.. I will post more pics after I get the leaves smaller and the foliage to look even better!

If this isn't fun chile stuff, then what is!!

Bonchi on!!!
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OMG!! That looks fantastic!. Unbelievable :) :).

No words. Just
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Hey Jukka,

I love this bonchi stuff! Great work! Do you still have the very original Dutch-Habanero "motherplant"? Is it a bonchi at the moment? If so, could you post a picture (if you haven't already)?





This Bonchi stuff definitely made the whole chile-madness even much more fun! So nice stuff to work with, with only a little effort you can get some amazing results, you just need to use a little imagination!

The DH F1 Bonchi is actually the motherplant, which means I will be taking plenty of cuttings from it all the time.

Here's the latest pic just before the harvest:

There couldn't be any more compact way to preserve a mother plant over the winter!
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The best chile pepper seeds available here:

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Those really are amazing `J` Will have to at last get around to actually doing a few later in the year,you make it look so damn easy which it certainly is not  :)


Hmm.. I'm quite sure it's much easier than what most people think... With normal bonsais it all takes a lot of time.
With Bonchis it all happens very quickly and you can see the results very soon, I think it encourages to try different stuff and stay with the projects.

You just need to have plenty of light and some excitement energy to work around your cutted plants.

I definitely suggest trying it!
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Will definitely try and like the way the `U.F.O` led`s done for your plant.. such nice compact growth  :)