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Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Germination, soil, water, tips and tricks.

Aloittaja Mads, joulukuu 29, 2008, 11:20:10 ap

« edellinen - seuraava »


Hi all.
I'm fairly new to growing but very enthusiastic! I've been trying to germinate two times during autumn but with very limited success. I have only one plant out of two attempts with something like 70 seeds in all. Damn.
So obviously I need a few hints. I have a small greenhouse and I really want to fill it with chilies the summer 2009.
First of all I've been using these little peat based pads in a mini greenhouse so far. What kind of soil/soil mixture would you recommend? Maybe even brand name and store (in Finland). (by the way I'd better say that I can keep 25-28 degrees in this greenhouse)
The water... I've been using cold tap water left to stand for a while to warm a bit and then sprayed through a vaporizer. Anybody doing something else?
And I've been reading quite a few guides by now. Some are suggesting tea bag method, presoaking, germination in toilet paper, etc... What really works??? In your experience I mean...
Thanks and let's hope for a good season!
Chilli tastes good. And burns nicely as well!


Temperature should be kept ideal to prevent mold and larvaes from destroying your seeds..
Too cold temps give make the germination much slower and too hot will encourage the mold and larvaes grow!
Slightly less than 30c works perfectly for ALL species of capsicum.

The best method I've tried for germination so far are definitely the rockwool cubes!
They are way more pest and mold free than soil. They will definitely give you more time to germinate successfully.
They keep the temperature steady and maintain the moisture for a LONG time in a mini greenhouse.

Always prevent all kinds of unnecessary handling of very sensitive sprouts. You can easily damage them so that the growth and pod productivity will suffer without you noticing it until at the end of the season!
I wouldn't recommend using techniques which need handling of the embryos, they might sound fancy but they are unnecessary, usually suggested by other beginners...

Here's a method I have been using for all kinds of Capsicum species successfully for several years, for hundreds and hundreds of different varieties!

(easy-to-remember-address is: fatalii.net/germinating)

You can get cheap rockwool cubes which are perfect for germination from here:
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

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Thanks a lot! Yeah I've read the instructions through a few times. I like them a lot, nice pics.
I was recommended to try a mixture of cactus and flower soil so I'm trying this. So far with 6 different chinense and then others will follow. I'm not too keen on the idea of rock wool for my plants, so I'll live with the little bit less uniform soil. Of course I know that most of the stuff I buy in the supermarkets are grown using these methods, heh.
Let's see how it goes. Maybe I'll have to change my mind at some point...
Chilli tastes good. And burns nicely as well!


I tried using cactus soil many years ago but it produced very bad results compared to peat-based soil.

Good soil will expand after you squeeze it in your hand.

For producing yield I use mildly or moderately fertilized peat-soil and fertilize it with Biobizz stuff so I can control the stages of the growth.

For bonchi's and other ornamental growing I use stronger soil as they usually grow in smaller containers where nutrients run out much quicker.

Gladly, the cheap type soil seems to be the best!
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

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I use Plagron growmix. A High quality potting soil, witch is free of insect eggs, bugs.. whatever.
Haven't seen any bugs during my indoor season.

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's



I'm new here but totally amazed about the results of intensive growing!
I started growing chiles in summer 2006. Since I don't have a garden, I grow them inside. So I'm not very interested in obtaining a remarkable harvest but growing nice "things" (plants, blooms and pods). The chile I like the most at this time is Chupetinha. The Plant itself ist bushy but the form of the small pods is very nice. It think it could be a very good choice for an bonchi!

Concerning the germination, I've tried with Jiffys and find them good.

My question now is: since I don't understand finish, can you recommend me an English website for buying rockwoll cubes?


PS Fatalii, I admire your work, keep it up!!! Your kind Chile-wizard!  ;)


Thanks Alexander!

I really appreciate that!

I'm sorry I can't point you to right direction concerning about rockwool cubes other than finnish shops, but I'm sure someone here can!

Keep it up!
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

Join Fatalii FACEBOOK with over 75 000 chileheads all around the world!

Check the latest chile articles and pictures here:
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Lainaus käyttäjältä: AlexChupetinho - huhtikuu 23, 2009, 11:30:06 ap

My question now is: since I don't understand finish, can you recommend me an English website for buying rockwoll cubes?

You can buy them here : http://www.hydroponic-shop.com/product_info.php?products_id=327
or just write rockwoll cubes uk in google



heinäkuu 29, 2009, 14:18:24 ip #9 Viimeisin muokkaus: heinäkuu 29, 2009, 14:50:10 ip käyttäjältä sali

I was wondering what exactly would be a peat based soil that you could buy in a normal garden shop in finland? Could you give me a brand/product name?
Thanks already in advance!

EDIT: I mean is it for example something like Puutarhaturve or one of the other "Kekkilä"-products? http://www.kekkila.fi/kotipuutarhurit/tuotteet
Or which soil-products are you using?
save some trees, eat a beaver


Sali, check the latest updates for a tip... :)
There you can see the peat I use.

Just make sure it's growing peat, with fertilizer added and with pH around 6.
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

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Check the latest chile articles and pictures here:
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