Lee´s Wild/Brazilian Growseason 2009/2010/2011 UPDATE!! 14-08-2011

Aloittaja lee, tammikuu 04, 2009, 21:59:27 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


The weather is good and the plants are doing fine. Most varieties are flowering. Some pics. from last week

C.flexuosum. The plant on 1 liter that I have growing under lamp produced no pods. C.flexuosum is self-incompatible and for that reason I exchanged pollen from two C.flexuosums on 11 Liter that are outside. After 3-5 days I noticed that the pods where getting bigger and that fruit has been set. Before the pods where very small with the stigma still attached before they fell off




C.chacoense PI260433


C.buforum. The flower looks amazing..

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


heinäkuu 26, 2010, 09:18:55 ap #401 Viimeisin muokkaus: elokuu 10, 2010, 20:43:42 ip käyttäjältä lee
About €60  ;)

Lainaus käyttäjältä: muffe95 - heinäkuu 03, 2010, 03:01:05 ap
Hi Lee :) how much was paid Lamp ???
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


elokuu 10, 2010, 20:34:35 ip #402 Viimeisin muokkaus: elokuu 10, 2010, 20:41:45 ip käyttäjältä lee
A short update

July 25

C. praetermissum (CGN 22795)



CAP 1478

C.baccatum (Mini Mini)


C.chacoense (PI 260433)

C.chacoense (CAP 501)

C.annuum (Tepin eastern travis county)


C.frutescense (duke pequin)

CAP 1491

August 1

CAP 1491. This plant got decapitated during the storm 2 weeks ago and was producing flowers. Flower looks different then the one below

First flower on this plant. Remarkable is that the first flowers on several plants are different then the flowers produced in a later stage.

CGN 20805 C.praetermissum. Like all C.praetermissum it's a large bushy plant

C.tovarii. Plant is flowering good but no pods so far.. Anyway it's a gorgeous plant and I really like the dark green waxy leaves with the pale yellow flowers. I have cross-pollinated some flowers of c.tovarii , just carefully experimenting with it  :roll: 

CGN 19198#2. Just love this one.. No pods so far

Has really large flowers

C.buforum. Again lots of flowers but no pods.. Have cross polinated some flowers on this one

Not the best picture but look at the flower. Flowers change from shape during there cycle

August 8

Heart Throb

C.schottianum var. flexuosum

Pods turn from green to orange to red

A few pods harvested last week
Mini Mini


First C.tovarii pod of the season ;D

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Some more pics.

C.praetermissum CGN22795. Very large variety of C.praetermissum

CAP 1491

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


 Have you tasted the sweet aroma of CAP1491 pods? Something special. I have 2 growing in soil in a pot and one planted in flowerbench. Last one is thriving well but the potted ones have dropped almost all of their leaves. Still bearing pods. I think in the flowerbed the moisture is more even and the exess doesn´t stay on a plate.


Not yet, mine  are not matured.  Are they hot?.
I had some problems with  leave curling when they were small, after they have been put outside the leave curling stopped. I really like the leaves on that plant.

Btw: What kinda species you think this it is? The flower resembles C.cardenasii/C.eximium but the leaves look different.
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


A comparison between C.cardenasii, C.eximium and CAP 1491. C.cardenasii and C.eximium are pretty much the same. CAP 1491 was classified by some people as C.eximium, but I am not convinced..



CAP 1491



CAP 1491



CAP 1491
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Tried a C.flexuosum pod and they taste so good, sweet at the beginning and some nice heat to it as well. I'm glad it's the "hot" variety. I collected 12 seeds from 1 pod and they all passed the sinker/floater test. Will germinated some as soon as they dried but I'm sure they will do just fine..

Splitted C.schottianum var. flexuosum pod.

CAP 1478 Flower

C.lanceolatum. Seems to be late flowering plant

Small pod.

Mini Mini
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


syyskuu 09, 2010, 22:05:12 ip #409 Viimeisin muokkaus: syyskuu 09, 2010, 22:07:47 ip käyttäjältä lee
The weather hasn't been to good lately here in Holland so we decided to go on a short trip to Corfu (Greece). Nice island and the weather has been good before it rained continuously for 2 days  :|. Did some exploring on the island  ;)  but without any luck.

Ok back to the Wilds. Harvested some of them before I left. Also got a chance to taste the Tepin from Eastern Travis county and all I can say is that those little things are very hot and made me feel a little uncomfortable  :). At first they taste like a regular green bell pepper followed by a piercing burning sensation witch caused a waterfall in my mouth  ;), luckily it ended within 10 min or so.. Was kinda happy with it

C.chacoense, C. schottianum var. flexuosum and Heart Throb.

Tepin Eastern Travis County. Immature pods Very hot!
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Some pics.

C.schottianum var. flexuosum

C.baccatum var. baccatum
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's

Aji Inferno

Nice pics! :)  Btw: c.schottianum and c.flexuosum are different species with different number of chromosomes (sch: 26, flex: 24). http://infernochili.tk/


syyskuu 11, 2010, 10:28:14 ap #412 Viimeisin muokkaus: syyskuu 11, 2010, 11:32:59 ap käyttäjältä lee
I'm aware of that but as far as I understood C.flexuosum was classfied by Hunziker as C.schottianum var. flexuosum?. Or was that before he corrected his error. So flexuosum was treated as C.schottianum var. flexuosum untill 1998 when it became C.flexuosum...
What are your thoughts?


"In 1950, Armando Hunziker, the internationally recognized specialist in Capsicum systematics, mistakenly confused C. flexuosum in Paraguay with C. schottianum, a species endemic to Brazil (Hunziker 1950)''.

He corrected this error in 1998.

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: lee - syyskuu 11, 2010, 10:28:14 ap
I'm aware of that but as far as I understood C.flexuosum was classfied by Hunziker as C.schottianum var. flexuosum?. Or was that before he corrected his error. So flexuosum was treated as C.schottianum var. flexuosum untill 1998 when it became C.flexuosum...
What are your thoughts?


"In 1950, Armando Hunziker, the internationally recognized specialist in Capsicum systematics, mistakenly confused C. flexuosum in Paraguay with C. schottianum, a species endemic to Brazil (Hunziker 1950)''.

He corrected this error in 1998.

As far as I know, both c.flexuosum and c.schottianum were very poorly known species still in the 90's, and I remember seeing the former described as as c.schottianum var. flexuosum in some sources. However, in his last major work, "The Genera of Solanaceae" (2001) Hunziker describes c.flexuosum and c.schottianum separately as independent species. It would be interesting to get genuine c.schottianum seeds somehow! :)


Well, that would be nice. Solve the puzzle ;)..
But I think, as you mentioned before they have different chromosomes so they are not the same. I should stick to C.flexuosum.
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Was a sunny day here yesterday. It seems that most plants like the colder weather


C.cardenasii Very prolific plant

C.cardenasii Ripe pod

Harvested Some "C.parvifolium" and C.flexuosum
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


lokakuu 11, 2010, 21:00:51 ip #416 Viimeisin muokkaus: lokakuu 11, 2010, 21:19:24 ip käyttäjältä lee
The weather is good here in the Netherlands for this time of the year but I can say that we had a lousy summer, most plants are still ripening there fruits..  But in case winter kicks I have a backup plan :mrgreen:. Remarkable is that most species bear the cold very well. Especially  C.praetermissum (different vars.) and C.flexuosum have no problems with low temperatures. C.rhomboideum doesn't like the cold at all! Like last year it dropped most of it's leaves. The C. eximium varieties I have all dropped there leaves. C. cardenasii on the other hand maintained it's bushy/shrubby foliage.. Anyway I took some pictures of my crop this weekend.

C.flexuosum flower backside. Petals showing purple-ish spots.. Noticed it last week, before there weren't any purple spots.


C.cardenasii. Matured pods

Tepin Eastern Travis County

CAP 1478


C.baccatum var. baccatum

First ripe pod.

C.praetermissum. My favorite praetermissum, massive plant!

Small Harvest. Hearth throb, Mini Mini,  2 different C.chacoense, C.flexuosum, Duke pequin, Tepin eastern travis County. Plants are still loaded with fruits. I sure hope they all ripen soon
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


We will have some night-frost this weekend so decided to take a couple of plants inside. The fruits on these plants haven't fully matured yet.
I've reassembled my growbox and made it taller (about 1,2m) to fit the matured plants.

C.tovarii and C.cardenasii

Harvested some more Mini Mini's. 
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


C.lanceolatum 2009 (17-03-2010)

C.lanceolatum 2009 (17-10-2010)
Kinda neglected it for months as I was to busy to take care of it. Trimmed a lot of small roots
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


C.tovarii and C.cardenasii and CAP 1491 are maturing there fruits after a few days on CFL's. Anyway transformed one of the plants into a Bonchi. Thanks to Jukka  ;)

Mini Mini (C.baccatum)

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's