Lee´s Wild/Brazilian Growseason 2009/2010/2011 UPDATE!! 14-08-2011

Aloittaja lee, tammikuu 04, 2009, 21:59:27 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Update on C.flexuosum

Well I kept both plants outside for a week while temperatures dropped to -11+degrees C. The root ball was solid frozen and I noticed that the leaves were suffering and took the plants inside. I harvested the fruits and turned the smallest plant into a Bonchi to see if it will grow again. That was 1 week ago and up to now I haven't seen any new foliage growth but I think it will survive.
I left the other plant alone and it looks like this right now.

I will cut it down very soon and will see if it will grow again but I'm sure he makes it

Immature fruits are still intact

In my opinion the results are good and C.flexuosum is by far the plant with the highest cold-resistance. Even when the temperatures dropped to -10C the plant was looking good with green leaves. But a full week with permanent frost destroyed the leaves because I think the plant wasn't able to get any moisture from the soil as it was solid frozen. Next time I will isolate the container..

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


An interesting frost experiment with C.flexuosum! I hope it'll survive it. ;)


Whoa Lee, I've been checking your posts at here and wildchilli and i must say YOU are THE chileman :D I was wondering do you exchange any seeds? I can't say i have something you might be interested, but atleast one of us do :)

Greetings from Finland, with lots of sun and nutrients! :P
Chiliyhdistyksen jäsen nro: 620, palveluksessanne. pkdi @ #IRCnet/#Qnet


Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Season 2011 started. First the Wild varieties. Next week the Hybrids and Brazilian species

C.cardenasii CAP 1530*
C.cardenasii 904750136*
C.cardenasii CGN 20497*
Ulupica Large*
C.flexuosum (Brazilian source)*
Tepin (pin)*
Tepin (Guatemala)*
ChilTepin *
Tepin from Peru*
Tepin Eastern Travis County *
C.chacoense (purple flowered)*
C.chacoense Wild Collected 2009*
Trepadeira do Werner*
CAP 213
CAP 215
CAP 487
C.praetermissum CGN22795
C.praetermissum CGN20805
C.praetermissum CAP 1478
C.tovarii (overwintered)
CAP 1491 (overwintered)
C.cardenasii CAP 1530 (overwintered)
C.flexuosum (overwintered)
C.lanceolatum (overwintered)
C.rhomboideum (overwintered
C.eximium (overwintered)


Fitst one that showed his head. Trepadeira do Werner

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


maaliskuu 26, 2011, 21:23:00 ip #447 Viimeisin muokkaus: maaliskuu 26, 2011, 21:26:11 ip käyttäjältä lee
An update

Some wild species

Hybrid/Brazilian species

C.flexuosum (overwintered) Trimmed down some branches, cutted some roots and re potted it to a larger container

C.flexuosum. Leaves still green after being in the bathroom for 2 months with the smallest amount amount of light. Probably it grows under dense canopy foliage in the wild.

Overwintered C.tovarii

Pics. taken today

Will repot the Wilds tomorrow to 1 Liter containers. Installed some additional lights

Bode Roxa

Duke Pequin X PDN

Trinidad Scorpion X PDN


Trepadeira do Werner

Tepin Guatemala


C.flexuosum "Bonchi"  Will re pot it back to a 10 Liter container
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Very nice going!

What generation is the TSxPDN? If the pods turn out like regular scorpion, it is going to look pretty darn wicked. ;D


I've put the wilds on a larger container

Will put them on a 12 Liter final pot

The Brazilian/Hybrid species will be transplanted next weekend. The weather was very nice here today so they went outside for a while
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Transplanted all plants to approx. 1 liter containers last week and plants grow good. The weather outside is very nice and the plants really enjoy the sun.

Some pictures..



Trinidad Scorpion X Pimenta da Neyde

Inca Red Drop X Lemon Drop

Trepadeira do Werner

Tepin from Peru" X Fresno

Rocopica (Ulupica Large)


Caja Amarela

Tepin from Peru" X Tarahumara chiltepin

Tepin Guatemala

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Lee, you're doing a fantastic job there!!! I fully admire your plants.

Tell me something, please: you said, somwhere in your thread (I don't find now exactly where), some plant of yours got oedema (wich looks like crystals on the back side of the leaves).
you said then "I know why - it's not overfertilizing  ;)"    can you tell me what it is???

I read/posted about this subject also in other threads here, but I couldn't come to an unambiguous conclusion;
is it the too low temperature at night? is it overwatering? what is it???
I experience this phenomenon on all my chinense - all of them grown in waterfarms / aerofarms. in such farms, since the plants grow all in water, one can not speak about owerwatering, can he? and why only chinense? other plants like pubescens (rocoto) or annuum never get oedema!!!


Lainaus käyttäjältä: AlexChupetinho - huhtikuu 15, 2011, 01:13:39 ap
Lee, you're doing a fantastic job there!!! I fully admire your plants.

Tell me something, please: you said, somwhere in your thread (I don't find now exactly where), some plant of yours got oedema (wich looks like crystals on the back side of the leaves).
you said then "I know why - it's not overfertilizing  ;)"    can you tell me what it is???

I read/posted about this subject also in other threads here, but I couldn't come to an unambiguous conclusion;
is it the too low temperature at night? is it overwatering? what is it???
I experience this phenomenon on all my chinense - all of them grown in waterfarms / aerofarms. in such farms, since the plants grow all in water, one can not speak about owerwatering, can he? and why only chinense? other plants like pubescens (rocoto) or annuum never get oedema!!!

Most important reason, I think is bad ventilation. Once your plants are outdoors it will disappear  ;).

Transplanted some plants to their final container, 13 Liters. They will spend there first night outdoors. I made a small GH for them to stay in overnight. Protected them with some lace cloths, just in case..

Plants enjoying the sun. Will transplant them next week/weekend

Looks like most plants are hardened off, I can leave them in the sun all day with no problems

Some overwintered plants. C.flexuosum, C.tovarii...
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


The weather is great this year.. Compared to last year, when most of my plants got root bounded (not enough space indoors) and caused very slow growth for 6+weeks or so, this year I was I able to progressively transplant the plants..
Can't wait to see the the difference in growth

Got 32 out of 60 new plants outside now. They survived the first night outdoors very well. Temperature was about 5 Degrees C in the "GH" but the plants where underneath lace cloths so temperature was a bit higher

CGN19198#2. Grew it last year and it produced 0 pods.. This plant also looks different, seeds are from the same batch though

Mini GH

Cumari verdadeira C. baccatum var. praetermissum

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Has been a busy week transplanting the Chilli's. Just 10 more to go... Used about 800 Liters of soil to fill the containers. This year I will plant some chili's outside in the ground just to see how they grow compared to the chilli's in containers



C.cardenasii var. pendulum (Ulupica Large)

C.cardenasii 904750136

C.cardenasii CAP 1530

C.cardenasii CAP 1530 (grew this plant in 2010). Due to lack of space most plants last year suffered from lack of light, root-bound,etc.). The curled leaves at the bottom of the plant  are also a result of not enough light or not evenly spreaded light.
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Plants enjoy the weather outdoors..  I also transplanted 8 plants outside into the soil

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Plants doing fine outside.. April was a very good month with lots of sun and hardly any rain. May is starting even better, with temperatures this weekend up to 30 degrees C and rising night temperatures up to 17 degrees C  :) .

Flowerbud CGN19198#2.

Mini Mini

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Some pictures of the Wilds.. They still growing on my roof terrace but will move them to the garden very soon. The plants in the garden especially some Brazilian species are getting very massive and bushy. 

C.galapagoense 1 of 4 plants

C.cardenasii var. pendulum (Ulupica Large)

Left> C.cardenasii (CAP1530) Right> C.cardenasii (904750136).

C.cardenasii (CAP1530)

C.cardenasii (904750136)

C.flexuosum Young plant from 2011

"Bonchi"  plant from 2010

"Bonchi" Fruits and flowers
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


toukokuu 14, 2011, 13:29:42 ip #458 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 14, 2011, 14:10:11 ip käyttäjältä lee
Some Brazilian/hybrid species

Brasileira (3 lobos)

Wild Brazil (Cumari do para)

Caja Amarelo

Trepadeira do Werner

Mini Mini C.baccatum

Coracao de boi

Inca Red drop X Lemop drop

Trinidad scorpion X PDN

Cumari Verdadeira

Locato X CGN 19198#2

Wiri Wiri X Wild Brazil
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's