tammikuu 08, 2025, 21:39:16 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

season 2009 - first season

Aloittaja tadytomas, helmikuu 15, 2009, 00:13:42 ap

« edellinen - seuraava »


Hi everybody, I love chilli very much, but this is the first season I decided to grow some on my own. I chose these kinds: Habanero red
         Bolivian Rainbow Chilli
         Cherry Hot Chilli
         Scotch Bonnet Yellow Chilli
         Lemon Drop
and two "nonames" which comes from Bulgaria. They were sow in december. And I want to make big bush from them.  ;D if it will be possible..

Other kinds are in small RW cubes. They are 3 weeks old now. In some cubes there are some roots climbing now. Can I have some extra water in the box, where the cubes are? Because some roots changed their colour from white to brown. And I dont think, that this is good  ???. So I poured out the extra water and keep the cubes moist. 

The cubes are under fluorescent tubes and on window sill, when sunny weather. But today I saw a problem with their leaves. Some true leaves curled up. Dont know what caused this. Any idea?

I plan to give them in ebb&flood system, when they will be bigger and then transport them into greenhouse..

picture one: "nonames"
          two: branching
          three: RW cubes, 3 weeks old

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]


curled up leaves

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]


Most of the seedlings look fine, I wouldn't worry too much.

Do you have any air circulation for the seedling? A desktop fan would be great.

It seems they get nice amount of light!
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well i have got PC fan which makes the circulation, I think that is enough. And yes, they get plenty of light, this week here is sunny weather, so I have them on window sill..

and what do you say about the roots?


I've germinated most of my chiles in RW-cubes for this season. When those roots grow out from the RW, I've repotted those seedlings.
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well, I cant do that now. If I repott them-> it will take more space and I will not be able give them as much light as they need..


Looking good for a first season!

Only recommendation I would give is to throw that pc fan away and get a decent fan, you will need it later anyway. :)
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Hi, I am here with little update and ask for advice..

I already built Aeroponic system with sprinklers for my seedlings. I have floramato & micro, but i am worried about start fertilizing now. ->

Last week I was 5 days in Italy and werent home, the seedlings werent in Aero. sys. yet, they were just in RW cubes. My roomate were very "thoughtful" and overflow them.. So, the roots which looked out from the cubes is darker, some of them rotted off.

Now they are second day in aeroponic system.. but I am worried, the roots arent good enough and I will start adding fertilizers-> the seedling will die.. :(
And second thing- I have now the pump set to 15 min ON and 15 min OFF, do you thing that that is good?



If youre afraid to use fertilizer, because your young seedlings could die, then dont start yet  ;)

OR, use just the teeny-weeniest drop of the fertilifer at first, then, if everything goes fine, use TWO of those teeny-weeny-tiny drops, and so on...

I strongly recommend starting carefully with the fertilifers. Also, a good fan is almost necessary, as it  1)removes heat  2)wiggles the plants, making them stonger  3)circulates the air, giving CO2 to your plants.

So it goes.


So I am here with little update: I found the problem.. it was light transmitting in aero box with roots. Now the roots are healthy, started grow very quickly and plants look very healthy and also started to grow.

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]


maaliskuu 28, 2009, 19:41:44 ip #10 Viimeisin muokkaus: maaliskuu 28, 2009, 20:54:11 ip käyttäjältä tadytomas
This is my older plant, but I think that first flowers starting to appear. But I think, that the plant is much too small and want to make it bigger.. What should I do? Cut the flowers?  ???

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]


Cut them. I did it to today and tranplanted them to larger containers
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


This container is big enough for now. Roots still did not full it and fertilizers are supplied in water. OK, I will cut the starting flowers for some time and let the plant grow a little bit..


Hi I am here with some fotoupdate  :) and some questions. I read somewhere on nett, that bolivian rainbow is just decorative and nobady can eat it?  ??? So what?  ??? And the second is problem with my plant in soil, something wrong os with its leafs. I guess pH problem but dont have pH meter for soil.

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]


I've had Bolivian Rainbows and they were delicious! I have no idea if it's because they are poisonous or what but at least I'm still alive!
Can't tell about your leaves but I'm also interested in reading about them. Mine look even a lot worse  :( ??? :-[
Chilli tastes good. And burns nicely as well!


All chilli's can be eaten!. Some taste good some don't 
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Yep, that's true.

I've also had Bolivian Rainbow and I wouldn't say those pods are delicious. They're quite hot, but they don't taste great at least when eaten fresh. Beautiful plant and those pods work well as a powder for example!
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Thanks for advices about Rainbow. And the leaves.. yesterday I rinsed the soil with fresh water with adjusted pH and applied pesticide against red spider mite (hope it is the right name in english) and today the leaves look much better. So do not know what the problem was.. I will water for few days just with fresh water.. ;D but the problem seems to be solved..


Just small fotoupdate from today...

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]


Noname, some serious preflouwering starting to appear  :D

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]