tammikuu 08, 2025, 21:47:11 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

season 2009 - first season

Aloittaja tadytomas, helmikuu 15, 2009, 00:13:42 ap

« edellinen - seuraava »


Like the flowers on the last pic. Very pretty  :)
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


first little chillies are forming right now.. will taky a few pics tomorrow..


Lovely to see those first pods appear makes all that hard work seem worth it  ;)


Your've done real well for you first season, congratulations



toukokuu 29, 2009, 15:41:51 ip #45 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 29, 2009, 15:45:54 ip käyttäjältä tadytomas
well, I am here with some foto upload  ;D it is now one big JUNGLE  8) and some first fruits are appearing.



Scotch bonet Y

Habanero red

habanero white and chocolate

serrano and lemon drop

hot scherry

bolivian rainbow  :D


 :o So many lovely pods on your plants and the Serrano and lemon drop are two of my favorite peppers,There will be some jealousy from me when i see the pod pics of those,You should be proud the plants are great  :)


What a strange bolivian rainbow!  I mean fruit shape, it's too long...
My seed list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
Welcome to choose your new varieties :)


My bolivian rainbow looked like the same. The seeds was from reimer seeds.


I have got the seeds from readytogrow..

dont know, if the fruit looks wiered  :D but I like them...


I wonder... Mine were looking like these

In Russia it is also known as Confetti :)
My seed list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
Welcome to choose your new varieties :)


yeh. My colours were like yours Jah but fruit shape was longer like tadythomas


the colour should be changing during the maturation, right? Mine ware first light yellow, now they are purple.... at the end they should be red.. I think :D


There's at least one more stage: they become creamy after purple stage.
My seed list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
Welcome to choose your new varieties :)


yeah. Thats true. But mine were never all the same color  :P


This is on website, where I bought the seeds..

"hot chillies that start life creamy, turn purple, then orange and finally fire-engine red!"


Lainaus käyttäjältä: tadytomas - toukokuu 23, 2009, 14:19:51 ip
to fatalii: so if i cut down on nutrients (mato&micro, now they have got 1,4 + 1,4ml/l) they stop growing and they will still make flowers?  ???  And second question.. now i have system set to 2 cycles a day? should I try one? thanks

If you want them to flower, you should add more mato, for large plants I would add more micro too, like 2ml micro & 3ml mato... that's very generally speaking but you could try that, of course only if we're speaking about hydroponic plants again.

The number of cycles depends on how the conditions and plants.
For vars that need more moisture and nutrients, use more cycles, and the ones that need less, use less.
You can probably use at least 2.
Experiment! :)
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

Join Fatalii FACEBOOK with over 75 000 chileheads all around the world!

Check the latest chile articles and pictures here:
Being updated all year around


Well, in the next solution, they will get more mato and micro too. I will go in 1,5 + 2ml, I am affraid of overfertilizing. When I jump from 1+1ml to 1,4+1,4ml my Lemon drop was very overfert.

about the cycles.. now we have cloudy weather and two cycles seem to be good for them. I will probably add ane more, when sunny weather.  :)


kesäkuu 26, 2009, 11:12:55 ap #58 Viimeisin muokkaus: kesäkuu 26, 2009, 11:34:21 ap käyttäjältä tadytomas
I was little but bussy, because of exams, so i couldnt give here some foto. They grow very fast and the free space doesnt exist any more  :D I have got a little bit problem with flower falling off, but hope, that it will be a good yeald.  ;)

now fotoupdate  8)

All together

What do you think? Should I cut some leaves maybe branches and make it less bushy?


I look forward to make some bonchi...  :D

Hot scherry



Lemon Drop

Habanero red

Habanero white

Scotch bonet


kesäkuu 26, 2009, 11:46:36 ap #59 Viimeisin muokkaus: kesäkuu 26, 2009, 11:50:32 ap käyttäjältä Rince
There definitely seems to be at least two different varieties sold as "Bolivian Rainbow". You have white flowers with a hint of purple, and the color of the fruit is creamy before turning purple.

The one I have has purple flowers, and the fruit are purple from the start. Also the fruit are shorter.