tammikuu 08, 2025, 22:15:47 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

season 2009 - first season

Aloittaja tadytomas, helmikuu 15, 2009, 00:13:42 ap

« edellinen - seuraava »


I have got a question for you. it will maybe make you laugh, but I am not sure about it. How can I find out, that the fruits are ready to ripe? for example serrano or lemon drop..  ::)

And the second question is for those, who use hydroponics and fertilizers from GH. I know that bad taste is caused by to much nitrogen. The labels on fert say, that floramato has 1% nitrogen and floramicro 5%. What concentration of each fert in solution ml/l are appropriate for both- safe for eating and quite good taste?

thanks for advices..


Lainaus käyttäjältä: tadytomas - kesäkuu 29, 2009, 17:03:37 ip
I have got a question for you. it will maybe make you laugh, but I am not sure about it. How can I find out, that the fruits are ready to ripe? for example serrano or lemon drop..  ::)

And the second question is for those, who use hydroponics and fertilizers from GH. I know that bad taste is caused by to much nitrogen. The labels on fert say, that floramato has 1% nitrogen and floramicro 5%. What concentration of each fert in solution ml/l are appropriate for both- safe for eating and quite good taste?

thanks for advices..

Fruits are ripe when the color is right. You can eat chilis green as well but if you want seeds you should wait until they are ripe.

Some people use oly water a week before harvesting to better the taste. im no expert on the concentrations but ive read that you should give more N at early phases of the plant and then later more K. I use about half of the instructions myself. I have the 3 part flora set from GH.


well, you use about half of recomended instruction when you ripe fruits? or you mean it generally, that you use about half at all and finally just water.


When most of the pods are maturing and you aren't after continous harvesting, just add water in the end. Even tastier choice would be adding ripen (by GHE) to the solution for ripening. That way you will be able to get even more sweeter pods!
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

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Being updated all year around


well, my problem is, that my Serrano, Lemon Drop, BR and Hot scherry are maturing right now (they have many fruits and another are growing) and very soon time to ripe will come.

On the other hand, in the same system :( I have 3 habaneros and one Scotch bonet. And their fruits started to grow few days ago..and time to ripe, will be much later..

My worry is.. I give no fert in the solution (or water with Rippen)- with intention to have a good taste of fruits (Serrano, Lemon Drop, BR and Hot scherry). It has to affect other plants (Habs, SB).. ???

to fatalii: did you ever try to eat fruits from the plants, which were on ferts (if yes, on which concentration)? And for how long (aprox.) have I add them just water (or water with rippen), till I can gather tasty pods?

Next year, I will be much smarter- I will reconstruct my "system" into few smaller flowerpot




your doing really well for a first time, keep it it up


Enjoy some new pics...  :D


Lemon drop


Hot scherry


Habanero red

Habanero white

Habanero chocolate

Scotch bonet  ;D


Absolutely wonderful, beautiful plants  :)
My cars are stronger than Chili ;)
Check my crazy Greenhouse:



Great Looking Plants, congratulations



a many fruit wait to be rippen on habanero red and chocolate. On Lemon Drop more than half. Serrano started to flower again  :D


Nothing beats your own harvest! Even after many many years it still feels so good. :)

Looks great!

For a first season... amazing!!
Keep on as you're doing!!
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

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Check the latest chile articles and pictures here:
Being updated all year around


thanks, but it is mostly your credit, because of your growing instructions and advices you gave to me.

Hope I will sucesfully harvest the rest and make bonchis of them. That is my goal now  :D


Thanks, I really appreciate that!

I'm very happy the hear I have been able to help you even a little. :)

For results like that you can't blame only me, you have some great green thumb there!

I'm sure you will be very  successful with bonchis, I will be happy to help.
If someone finds bonchi stuff as satisfying as me, I'll be more than willing to help with any information!
To me, bonchi stuff was a real boost, it turned chile growing upside down in many ways... in good ways!

For example... plants that aren't on time were a waste before, now they can be very valuable starts for bonchi growing!

Please post your bonchi stuff when you can, I'll give anyt tips I can.

And don't worry about the plants  looking horrible at first!
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

Join Fatalii FACEBOOK with over 75 000 chileheads all around the world!

Check the latest chile articles and pictures here:
Being updated all year around


syyskuu 05, 2009, 00:13:52 ap #75 Viimeisin muokkaus: syyskuu 05, 2009, 01:16:41 ap käyttäjältä tadytomas
Actually, I plan to complete my harvest in about a week, then make solution strong on nitrogen and let the plants grow for two weeks or so. Maybe it helps to make thicker stems.

And I allready tried to make some "test bonchi" from my noname. It was pretty small plant, I cutted her down few weeks ago and today a gave her in smaller pot - 16x11x5 cm. No wiring done yet. I am still looking for idea how to arrange the soil around. I really like your bonchis, where some of the roots are on surface, will try to do it on next bonchi, because this had very tiny roots. The stem is thin, but I like her.

I just have one problem. She started to make flowerbuds. I am pinching them off and give her regularly water with a lot of nitrogen. Maybe the repotting helps.

Before - I havent got pics after harvets  :-[

and Now


some foto:

to Fatalii: do you have some Idea/tip, how to stop making flower buds?


I'm not Fatalii but I have what to say :) Add some nitrogen man. You'll get vegetation.
My seed list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
Welcome to choose your new varieties :)


Nitrogen is in every second watering and I am pinching flowerbuds each few days ???


What kind of nitrogen and how much per liter?
My seed list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
Welcome to choose your new varieties :)