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Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Saudijoes hydroponic chili season 2009

Aloittaja Saudijoe, huhtikuu 08, 2009, 01:55:58 ap

« edellinen - seuraava »



When you leave an engineer with chilis, its just no fun without technology. Upper shelf passive hydros became bubblers.

Short Yellow Tabasco was already starting to make flowers. I decided to pick them out at this point.

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]


I'm very interested to see more passive hydro results, I found it to be much better than expected!
I'd just like to know if it works for other chileheads too!
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

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Being updated all year around


huhtikuu 14, 2009, 00:15:12 ap #22 Viimeisin muokkaus: huhtikuu 14, 2009, 00:17:42 ap käyttäjältä Saudijoe

The cutting experiment worked. Cayenne Long Slim and the smaller Aji Cristal were making new branches. Time to cut The bigger plant too.

Aji Cristal making 3 new branches

Cayenne making 2 branches

The difference in these plants were conditions. Cayenne was growing on a window sill while Aji Cristal was enjoying the artificial light on the shelf.

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]



Time to Cut the big Aji Cristal too. It just didn't fit under the lamp and wasn't growing any brances.

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Saudijoe - huhtikuu 09, 2009, 02:41:22 ap

When you leave an engineer with chilis, its just no fun without technology. Upper shelf passive hydros became bubblers.

Short Yellow Tabasco was already starting to make flowers. I decided to pick them out at this point.

Heey you an engineer, what kinda field your in. Technology is food for the brain  :)

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


My field is rock engineering and engineering geology.


huhtikuu 17, 2009, 00:00:54 ap #26 Viimeisin muokkaus: huhtikuu 17, 2009, 00:51:59 ap käyttäjältä Saudijoe

Something wrong with short yellow tabasco? It looks like it wants to kill himself. Looks like i need to change water to every pot.

Lower picture shows whats in the bottom of the pot.

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]


huhtikuu 17, 2009, 00:31:20 ap #27 Viimeisin muokkaus: huhtikuu 17, 2009, 00:39:04 ap käyttäjältä Saudijoe

Aji Cristal in Waterfarm
Bhut Jolokia in waterfarm

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]


huhtikuu 17, 2009, 00:41:50 ap #28 Viimeisin muokkaus: huhtikuu 17, 2009, 00:50:04 ap käyttäjältä Saudijoe

Jalapeno was feeling good. I've had problems with overfertilizing but this one was growing nicely.

Aji Cristal on the other hand stopped growing and habanero has been slow as well. I think Aji is suffering from overdose of blusana lewantit. A fertilizer u just cant overdose. Well, apparently i can.

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]

[ylläpito on poistanut liitteen]


That bottom of the pot looks like that you haven't washed your growing medium well enough.


I agree.. it is a dust from expanded clay which settled down


huhtikuu 19, 2009, 21:08:14 ip #31 Viimeisin muokkaus: huhtikuu 19, 2009, 23:54:44 ip käyttäjältä Saudijoe
Lainaus käyttäjältä: tadytomas - huhtikuu 18, 2009, 09:33:46 ap
I agree.. it is a dust from expanded clay which settled down

Actually in that pot the dust you see is grains of slowly dissolving nutricient called Blusana Lewantit. Also there was 2 furniture feet made of rubber and steel trying to increaase the waterspace under the plant.

I did have that clay dust in the bottoms of both my waterfarms thou.

I was wondering whether making my passive hydros into bubblers was a good idea. 3 of 4 plants look like they've had an overdose of nutricients. Could it be that the nutricient used for passive hydros are just not right for bubblers. The nutricient was supposed to be the kind you dont need to change for 3 months. And the passive hydros which stayed passive are looking healthy and definitely not overly nutrified. I'm guessing the bubbling (oxygen?) may have dissolved more nutricients than normally would. Any opinions on this one??


I have similar problems with Blusana Levavit. Except I'm on passive hydros. Today I turned them to bumblers. So let's see what happens...


Lainaus käyttäjältä: CyberDog - huhtikuu 20, 2009, 18:10:59 ip
I have similar problems with Blusana Levavit. Except I'm on passive hydros. Today I turned them to bumblers. So let's see what happens...

Sounds like your repeating my mistake. The plants did start to grow a bit faster when i turned them to bubblers but 3 of 4 stopped growing and look quite ill now. I think the bubbling was making blusana dissolve too much. i turned mine back into passives. Maybe you should try to use different nutricient on the bubblers. I'm intrested to see what happens with your bubbler experiment.


I just put the air cable to water container of these http://www.huuto.net/fi/showitem.php3?itemid=101514209 Mine are same except bigger. I was thinking that the roots will get too little air. But now I'm thinking that the solution is too basic. I tested it with baking soda and it didn't fizzle at all. It should fizzle when it's acidic. My Siperian House Pepper (C. Annuum) is growing ok. But has little brown spots on leaves. The CGN 22871 (C. Baccatum) is really bad.


huhtikuu 22, 2009, 22:08:49 ip #35 Viimeisin muokkaus: huhtikuu 22, 2009, 23:39:10 ip käyttäjältä Saudijoe

I'm learning to use the links now.

Aji Cristal on Waterfarm.

And heres Bhut Jolokia with Aji Cristal on the background. Lately Bhut Jolokia has started bending from the top. The direction seems to vary a bit. I tied it to a small skewer with wire to support it.

Short Yellow Tabasco had its heyday. Maybe it shall recover to glory?


huhtikuu 22, 2009, 23:30:57 ip #36 Viimeisin muokkaus: huhtikuu 22, 2009, 23:42:27 ip käyttäjältä Saudijoe

Heres my jalapeno. The only healthy survivor of the bubbler experiment moved to window sill today.

I have plucked off a lot of these flowers. Now i'm thinking of stopping and letting them grow.

Bolivian Rainbow spent a lot of time in the window sill. Now it has found new home in the shelf.

Cayenne Long Slim moved to the shelf today. Until today it has grown on the window sill getting only sunlight.

Here's Numex Twilight in a passive hydro:


Now alongside Short Yellow Tabasco, there were two other victims of the bubbler experiment:

Red Habanero

Aji Cristal


Those look exactly same as mine. Except mine is much worse. I transfer them to soil. The worse plant wasn't grown any roots on hydro  :-[


It's because of nitrogen overdose. I washed the roots and the pot today. Maybe you should do the same? They say that the new leaves that grow will be okay. Lets see if it turns out okay.