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Greenhouse whitelfly, aphids etc.

Aloittaja Pavlak, huhtikuu 08, 2009, 14:48:14 ip

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huhtikuu 08, 2009, 14:48:14 ip Viimeisin muokkaus: huhtikuu 14, 2009, 11:52:32 ap käyttäjältä Fatalii
It's mu first season with chilies, but maybe I will write something in other topic.
In Poland, and mostly in this climate, often problem is Greenhouse Whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum).
I haven't got it yet( AND I HOPE IT NEVER COMES), but anyone of You guys, had to do with it?
Is Neem-Oil capable to kill tese bugs?
I know it has got few natural enemies and parasites, but they're hard to get and not always good.
Does anybody fight with it?


First I need to tell you that I never actually had any problem with whiteflies, but neem might work, at least what I've heard about whiteflies.

Just keep in mind that neem doesn't kill any bugs, it just keeps them away.

You might want to use some insecticide to kill them, quite easy to do in a greenhouse, just be careful and turn off ant possible ventilation and shut all windows and doors.

Please tell us if you can find any solution, that might be a great help for someone else too!

Good luck!!
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In my growbox I haven't saw any insect or what so ever. Even now some plants that are outside and in the GH are bug free!!.
But some plants I gave to my mom have some aphids on it . Leaves wrinkled with those little @#@#$ on it enjoying the juices. I just hate those aphids makes me itchy  >:(
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


About aphids.... I had so many years of problems with them... tried absolutely everything!

Now they won't bother me because I know I can get rid of them quite easily and for a long time.
Simply kill them by suffocating them with pinetree soap -water ... it has to be "slippery" on your fingers to suffocate them... something like 3-5% solution works well.

After properly spraying your aphid infested plants, let them suffocate for a while (I wait 5-15 mins) and when the survivors move, spray again and let it suffocate the rest.
After that, wait for a while and rinse the soapy plants properly with COLD water.

After the plants have been cleaned and aphids killed, spray the plants with neem solution... it's good to mix with a warm (not hot!) and shake well before spraying and spray the plants completely.

This has worked perfectly for me... even in a greenhouse!

When aphids hit again (if), just redo the above.

I also spray neem oil at the beginning of the season, just to prevent aphids from getting interested on my plants, works well!
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Thx for the Tip!!

Will boomark it just in case to s*ckers come along
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


And how often is good to use Neem Oil?


As often as needed... when I had a serious aphid attack few years back, I re-neemed (nice word!?) the plants after 2-4 weeks or so and they were practically gone...

I could se aphid or two but in most cases not on the plants and if so, they weren't in large groups but individuals.

Funny case was when I sprayed one single plant with neem oil few seasons ago and the result  was that aphids were circling around the edges of the pot.. they didn't want to spend any time on the plant... then it was quite obvious for me that they don't like the taste of neem oil! :D

And don't worry, it doesn't affect the taste of the pods in any way.

Perhaps we should start a new topic for the pests... I'd be happy to help.
With aphid problems I might be able to help, they aren't too big problem anymore, even though they are quite common.

These Peach (?) aphids are the most common ones I have had:

They can be greenish yellow, yellow-green, pale green or yellow, orange and red.

You don't want your plants end looking like this:

In the greenhouse or growing room, using biological prevention is a good idea... there are several options to match your case.

"Aphid Lion"

Aphidoletes aphidimyza

Lady Bug

Aphid hunter larvae... can't remember what it is..

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Ok, Pests and Prevention topic is a great Idea. Maybe I would help in some cases. Give a sign when it's created.



I have used these for pest control with success. http://kasvinsuojelu.berner.fi/tuotteet/provadopuikko.html I tried those because I grow at indoors and got pests Tetranychus urticae on all my plants. Including chiles and household greens. I tired with spray permetrin and with pinesoap. Didn't work. Then at last resort I sed those and got rid of pests.


Cyberdog, good to keep in mind that the product you recommend is meant for ornamental (non edible) plants, so I'd be a little cautious when using it.
I highly recommend trying neem oil because it isn't harmful for you in any way! :)
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Yeah. I know that it is meant for ornamental plants. But I calculated (estimated and guessed) that the pesticides  will decompose before the pods... Not sure of that thou. But the levels that are harm for humans is probably higher that what you get from those anyway (ques). I really cared about those chiles ;) And back then I didn't know of neem oil. In this season I will try it and use those "sticks" only for ornamental plants. (Because I know that pesticides isn't good for...)


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Fatalii - huhtikuu 14, 2009, 11:51:37 ap
As often as needed... when I had a serious aphid attack few years back, I re-neemed (nice word!?) the plants after 2-4 weeks or so and they were practically gone...

I could se aphid or two but in most cases not on the plants and if so, they weren't in large groups but individuals.

Funny case was when I sprayed one single plant with neem oil few seasons ago and the result  was that aphids were circling around the edges of the pot.. they didn't want to spend any time on the plant... then it was quite obvious for me that they don't like the taste of neem oil! :D

And don't worry, it doesn't affect the taste of the pods in any way.

Perhaps we should start a new topic for the pests... I'd be happy to help.
With aphid problems I might be able to help, they aren't too big problem anymore, even though they are quite common.

These Peach (?) aphids are the most common ones I have had:

They can be greenish yellow, yellow-green, pale green or yellow, orange and red.

You don't want your plants end looking like this:

In the greenhouse or growing room, using biological prevention is a good idea... there are several options to match your case.

"Aphid Lion"

Aphidoletes aphidimyza

Lady Bug

Aphid hunter larvae... can't remember what it is..


Those pics are stunning Fatalii!!. Gives me the creeps though, hate those little !@!#@

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


They are no match for neem!

Just came back from the greenhouse and sprayed all of my plants with neem oil - diiamond nectar combination.
Plants enjoy it, aphids don't!
I haven't seen aphids in the greenhouse yet, but possibility of them invading the plants is so much smaller even when sprayed with mild solutions of neem oil. It's a true season saver!
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Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's