tammikuu 10, 2025, 12:52:22 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Pavlak's first steps 2009

Aloittaja Pavlak, huhtikuu 09, 2009, 12:30:43 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Pavlak lovely to see you taking so much pride in your plants,they are in exellent health and are a credit to you  :)


Today I've noticed something wrong with 2 Cyklon leafs. I cut'em down and islolated this plant.
Any IDEA what's going on?

Also today Neem-Oil arrived, so I'm going to sprinkle plants in the evening.


That happens often when you're not careful when pinching off the flowers or just damage the plants with other ways. If that happens with only those few leaves and not all new, there shouldn't be anything to worry. :)

Also, a roughly treated seedlings can result mutations which will affect the future growth like that.
That's why it's always best to use germinating methods which won't need the handling of the tiny seedlings.
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Ok. thx for reply.
There's nothing to worry about, plants are still healthy a vigorous  8)
Some say it could be a bunrt, but this plant was in a 2nd row from the sun and even didn't touch the window' glass....and only 2 leafs...nonsense.

I'm glad it's nothing wrong.


Time for update.
Photos are mostly pathetic (I mean in their form, but quality hmm...too  ;D) but I was quite in a hurry, likely last days  :-\.
But to the POINT:

Cyklon's flower

Jalapeno Purple's flower

half-meter Japapenos Purple, easy to see they had to fight for the light  :-\

Army of Cyklons is flowering one after another

Cayenne Golden, bushing nicely

Up - Habanero Orange, bottom - Cayennes Golden

Cayenne'y, Habanero, Thai & (I think) Hot Wax

I'm proud of my Habaneros, they have grown and made more foliage in last 2 weeks than in past 2 months!

Symetric Cayenne Golden  8)

Chilis at sunny balcony all day yesterday

That's it for now, gotta go.


Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Nice job man ;D
Plants looking great  ;D
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


But what can I do to make Jalapenos more bushy, and to grow more horizontally?

Maybe more space and planty of sun will help? What'ya think?


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Pavlak - toukokuu 21, 2009, 22:33:53 ip
But what can I do to make Jalapenos more bushy, and to grow more horizontally?

Maybe more space and planty of sun will help? What'ya think?

That helps but you had to use scissors then you get more bushy plant.
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's



Cutting makes the branches divide. If you cut the end (just below the point where the new branch is growing new leaves) of a new branch, it will start dividing from the point where the topmost leaf on that branch is. And it also starts to produce new branches from the other leafpoints on that branch that you cut. So if you cut all the new branches after lets say 4 leaves, you get a nice bushy plant in some time :)


after 4 leafs from up or bottom? :D
I really don't know, maybe You could paste any picture  ::)


From the bottom, sorry for a bit bad explanation. Just cut the new branches end so that after cutting you have a branch with a few leaves on it. Like I've done here on the no. 1 place. You see the no.2 that's the part you should cut away. There will still be a few leaves on the branch. You don't have to count the exact number of leaves you leave there, just as long as there are a few spots where the new branches can start growing from. (Sorry I'm a bit bad at explaining things easily :P)


I'm very grateful. BIG THX Fudurez!!


toukokuu 26, 2009, 01:12:23 ap #34 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 26, 2009, 01:14:42 ap käyttäjältä Pavlak

just a little cross between 2 C.annuums: Jalapeno Purple x Cyklon, and vice versa

one of forming Jalapeno Purple pods

and bigger on Cyklon

There're also some little pods on Cayennes' Golden, but I think plant is too small, so I'm pinching off every new bud to keep'em grow in strengh  8)
Tall and slim Jalapenos have cut few bottom branches now, and the also like some moreo room to grow.


Better photo of Cyklon flower


Two very interesting peppers you have crossed there will be most interested to see the results,Good luck  :)



Hope the cross goes well would love a few seeds of that if it does my friend as its an intresting cross indeed and lovely photos to   :)


toukokuu 28, 2009, 02:06:29 ap #38 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 28, 2009, 10:50:02 ap käyttäjältä Pavlak
Will be no problem :)
And about the cross polination:
If it works fruits would be similar to the others on the plant, but the seeds will be the seeds of F1 plants. Am I right?

EDIT:There was no question! It was late and I've been tired, of course they will be the seeds of F1, hahaha  ;D


Great Garden your've got going there Pavlak
also an interesting cross, Jalapeno Purple x Cyklon