tammikuu 10, 2025, 05:45:37 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Russian chile place

Aloittaja Jah, toukokuu 05, 2009, 07:22:18 ap

« edellinen - seuraava »


Hi everybody!
I live in Russia, Chelyabinsk city. Here lives about a million people, it's an industrial city. I live in a flat with a balcony. Balcony isn't in use during winter, but from March to November the plants are there. During winter all the plants are in one of the two rooms. I use sodium lamps with built-in refluctors (mirrors) as the only light source. I grow mostly citruses and peppers, and also some other "edible" plants.

For now I'll give some links.
Here's my grow list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=292
And here's photo gallery http://spice-blog.ru/gallery2/main.php
New photos will appear soon :) I will keep the gallery in English, I guess.
My seed list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
Welcome to choose your new varieties :)


Nice to hear how you grow your peppers and other Edibles,also interests me where people grow there peppers as they more hardy than people take them for and survive in some unusual places,Will love forward to more pictures my friend.

Благодарим вас мой друг (Hope that is right)  :)


Thank you :) More pictures will follow :)
LainausБлагодарим вас мой друг (Hope that is right)

That's almost correct. That means "[we] thank you my friend"
In Russian the word "to thank" (and all the verbs btw) changes depending on pronoun:
I thank - благодарю (bluh-goh-duh-ryoo)
We thank - благодарим (-reem)
He or she thanks - благодарит (-reet)
They thank - благодарят (-ryat)
"h" here is not pronounced, -ryoo is as in Luke from StarWars (there's no difference between long and short U in Russian), ryat is almost as in blood :)
So I thank you too, my friend :)
My seed list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
Welcome to choose your new varieties :)


Hi everybody.
Here's my seed list for now http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
I would be glad to share my seeds or to swap them to other varieties.
As I say, you never know if you like some variety until you taste it :) So welcome.

My seed list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
Welcome to choose your new varieties :)


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Jah - toukokuu 06, 2009, 05:05:28 ap
Thank you :) More pictures will follow :)
LainausБлагодарим вас мой друг (Hope that is right)

That's almost correct. That means "[we] thank you my friend"
In Russian the word "to thank" (and all the verbs btw) changes depending on pronoun:
I thank - благодарю (bluh-goh-duh-ryoo)
We thank - благодарим (-reem)
He or she thanks - благодарит (-reet)
They thank - благодарят (-ryat)
"h" here is not pronounced, -ryoo is as in Luke from StarWars (there's no difference between long and short U in Russian), ryat is almost as in blood :)
So I thank you too, my friend :)

Are not to far away i was trying `Thank you my Friend` ;)


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Jah - toukokuu 06, 2009, 10:56:28 ap
Hi everybody.
Here's my seed list for now http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
I would be glad to share my seeds or to swap them to other varieties.
As I say, you never know if you like some variety until you taste it :) So welcome.

You have a great list there Jah love those Thai Orange peppers always use them for a curry base and this year i
haven't grown any..Regretting that now  :(


How can You describe the taste of wild varietes harvested till now?


For now I've tasted only that round tiny pequin http://chilifoorumi.fi/index.php?topic=5744.0
It's a bit fruity, explosive hot (well, Wikipedia says that Tepins are explosive and Pequins are long-burning), some berries have sweet bell flavour, others do not at all. From the same tree I mean.
What I do love is a taste of Pretty Purple. It is such a clean, crystal clean hotness with a bit of fruitiness without any bell-like taste. My tiny pequin has similar but not the same taste.
Hope soon I will taste many other wild ones :)
My seed list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
Welcome to choose your new varieties :)


Do you happen to know anything about a variety called "c. annuum Zadira"? The guy who gave me the seeds told me it is a Russian variety, not much else...
I'm growing a couple of those, but I know nothing about them. They seem to grow compactly, though.

nice grow-list, by the way  ;D
So it goes.


toukokuu 12, 2009, 05:52:35 ap #9 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 12, 2009, 05:55:16 ap käyttäjältä Jah
Well, it's not hard to search a little for the sake of good man :)
The word spells like "zuh-dee-ruh". Russian words spells just like they are written, like in Latin or maybe Deutch. Even if they're written like English :) Oh, and it means "A teaser", the person who makes other wish to beat him :D It writes "Задира" in Russian. By the way, "Zabiyaka" ("Забияка") means just the same. There're pepper and tomato varieties named "Zabiyaka". And also there's "Zadavaka" tomato - that means "strutter" as my vocabulary said.
Okay, here's some info about "Zadira":
Recommended for cooking and canning. Middle-ripening (not sure this is correct term). 110-115 days from germination to technical ripeness.
Plant has a single stem, semibranchy, 65-70 cm tall. Leaves are middle-sized, green, a bit wrinkled. Fruits are hanging, elephant's trunk-like, elongated, glossy, light-yellow in technical ripeness and red in full. Fruit has two cavities. Walls are 1,5-2,0 cm thick. Weight of the fruit is 20 g. Aroma is weak.
Variety's value is in high productivity and evened fruits. 3 kilos per square meter in protected ground.
Sorry about terminology :) The info is translated from Russian variety registry.
By the way, I do not trust to russian varieties. They aren't tasty because our selectionists never think about taste, just about own salaries. And nobody tests the varieties for taste, because they don't believe that peppers are edible raw :D The main uses of peppers in Russia are dry them, make powder and use a pinch for a big tank of soup :) Or to add a single tiny pod to 3 litres of pickled tomatoes.
Even those who eat peppers never know about peppers might be tasty. They look only for heat. Nobody knows about chinenses, baccatums, pubescenses. Only annuums and annuum-like frutescenses are in use of selectionists. So the taste is always similar to bell-peppers with a bit of heat.
My goal is to change the situation :)
My seed list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
Welcome to choose your new varieties :)


wow.. thanx for the load of information  :o 
I'm growing a teaser, then.  ;D  for now, the description fits: my plant is small, quite branched and makes a lot of "flowers to-be" (dont know the english word for the thing before a flower  :D )

and good luck with your goal !

So it goes.


Thx for the Russian lessons ;).
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


It's always great to know a little about foreign languages :) At least for those who speaks two or more :)
My seed list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
Welcome to choose your new varieties :)


The more languages you learn the more people you can learn to respect  ;)


It's very pleasing to see people all around the world here, this will be very educational for all of us!

Very nive to learn about different chile cultures!
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

Join Fatalii FACEBOOK with over 75 000 chileheads all around the world!

Check the latest chile articles and pictures here:
Being updated all year around


Oh no! Don't call this culture, that's pre-cultural (as prehistorical) period :D
My seed list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
Welcome to choose your new varieties :)