maaliskuu 11, 2025, 13:23:12 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Huge greenhouses, season 2010!

Aloittaja Fatalii, huhtikuu 15, 2010, 15:43:02 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Okay, here we go.
First pic taken 20th march after the plants have been planted into the system.

Okay, then, LESS than a 4 weeks later...

Already first pod forming and ready to pick!

And some pics from another room...

The last years record has been broken, the growth rate is incredible, and the great thing is,
they are growing pods already, not just leaves and stems.

Another great thing is that the season will be very long.

More updates to follow soon!
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Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Jeah, the pictures looking good. As soon as we get to eat fresh aji cristals


Looking good and can not wait to get your chilies on the table again.


Waow! Some nice trees you got there  ;D  Those chillies sure look tasty!

I spot you've had some minor bug problems and are taking care of it the eco way with predator bugs (picture right below the pod shots)? Always nice to see that.

Looks like you're going to have a killer harvest (again) this year.


Actually, those predators bugs are always used as pre-caution to keep attackers away... :)
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The best chile pepper seeds available here:

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toukokuu 03, 2010, 15:16:56 ip #7 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 03, 2010, 16:47:51 ip käyttäjältä my_key
Lainaus käyttäjältä: Fatalii - huhtikuu 16, 2010, 16:21:48 ip
Actually, those predators bugs are always used as pre-caution to keep attackers away... :)

Ah cool. Didn't knew that was effective. But I guess in that big of a greenhouse some pest is bound to show up anyhow. What kind of pests show up the most in a setup that large?


Amazing! Those pepperes are really growing fast Jukka! When will we find your peppers in a supermarket in sweden:)


Sooo, when can I buy them!? *Droooool*
Lainaus käyttäjältä: Räyhis
Paska maa + paskat ihmiset = paskat kuljettajat.


toukokuu 21, 2010, 22:27:50 ip #10 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 21, 2010, 22:51:48 ip käyttäjältä Fatalii
Patahontas, all you need to do is to ask wholesale sellers to contact me and that is possible to arrange... :)

Anyways, here are a few updated pics of the huge greenhouses:

This picture was taken 12 days ago, 9th of may.

And this picture below was taken yesterday, so it's 11 days before the pic above.

Yes... the growth rate is simply incredible!

One more pic:

Available in the best Finnish markets very soon!
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

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The best chile pepper seeds available here:

Join Fatalii FACEBOOK with over 75 000 chileheads all around the world!

Check the latest chile articles and pictures here:
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WOW! Can´t wait to get those mouthwatering´re the master Jukka!

Yes, it´s true you´re master! :o
Nice work and garden too ;D can you tell me how kind of fertilizers you used for this plants and when you stoped?
And what predators you used? I know Aphidius colemani for plant-louse and this year I want try Phytoseiulus persimilis... But true is, it´s only as pre-caution...

Do you have some tips how pollinate or how bugs can pollinate ten or more flowers in smaller greenhouse?
So have a nice day and thank´s for time! 8)

First sezone
Sorry for my English


We... hunger.... brai...chilies.... chilies!
Lainaus käyttäjältä: Räyhis
Paska maa + paskat ihmiset = paskat kuljettajat.


Predators being used are targeted for spesific pests, so sometimes it's good to use different kinds of predators.

Anyways, a few new pics here:

The best chile pepper seeds available here:

Join Fatalii FACEBOOK with over 75 000 chileheads all around the world!

Check the latest chile articles and pictures here:
Being updated all year around


Only three words I can say:

Abso Lutely Fabulous!<br /><br />Rohkeus lähtee vatsasta, muu on pelkkää vimmaa.<br /><br />
Lainaus käyttäjältä: mohla"Kokoamisohjehan on vain valmistajan mielipide asiasta ja kaikki mielipiteet eivät ole yhtä arvokkaita kuin toiset


Those look delicious, can't wait for them to hit the stores (although my own are producing well so far!). Any ETA?

Whats your favourite maturity level to eat them at? I'm thinking of using some fresh in salads.


They are available in the markets in Finland already.

If you can't find them at your local market, ask your market personnel to get them from their wholesale dealer.

My favorite stage to eat them is between the green and red.
The fruitiest, most unique taste is definitely before ripening.
I like green ones more with most cooking more than as red.
They are still better than any annuums I have tasted in fully matured stage too.

When mixing Aji Cristal -butter, I use green or orange ones.
That will result as a best taste after few hours.

The best chile pepper seeds available here:

Join Fatalii FACEBOOK with over 75 000 chileheads all around the world!

Check the latest chile articles and pictures here:
Being updated all year around


Just bought (and ate too) a case of those beautiful Aji Cristals, the taste was suberb - just like I remembered from last year! Fresh with a mild to medium heat. Exellent product!

I was a bit disappointed, when a realised that the amount of pods in one box. Only three or four. And the prize gone a bit up from last year also. There's a lot of discussion about this product in the finnish conversation, maybe Fatalii would like to say a word or two there?<br /><br />Rohkeus lähtee vatsasta, muu on pelkkää vimmaa.<br /><br />
Lainaus käyttäjältä: mohla"Kokoamisohjehan on vain valmistajan mielipide asiasta ja kaikki mielipiteet eivät ole yhtä arvokkaita kuin toiset