lokakuu 06, 2024, 08:26:30 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!


Aloittaja lee, lokakuu 08, 2008, 21:12:23 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


WTF is this. Found it on a naga leave. That naga was also behind on growing. Is it some kind of mold???


thx in advance
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's

Aji Ungreat

I've read one topic here that had alot of same-looking pictures like that.

And the problem was pretty much becouse overwatering i think.

Im in pretty hurry now but at least later this day ill find the topic and see more about it.
Jossei viina, sauna ja kitara auta, on tauti kuolemaksi.


Looks like the plant is pushing the extra nutrients out trough the leaf. Try to use less fertilizers. It's not something too serious.


Thx for the help guys!!

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


toukokuu 10, 2009, 01:44:44 ap #4 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 10, 2009, 01:49:20 ap käyttäjältä AlexChupetinho
It's pretty sure to be too much nutrients. There are small crystals on the back of the leaf, following the ribs.
I've got it too, after I first tried Bio-Bizz. Sometimes I want too much and too quick.
The leafs of my Habanero became choppy, rolling themselves together. The question is, what to do to bring the plant in back order?



Well you can water it with just water. And maybe chance growing medium if it's saturated with fertilizer.


thx CyberDog!

Well I thought similarly so I overwatered the plant to decrease the concentration of the fertilizer.

*I've learned that overwatering is to be avoided, but in this case it is an emergency measure.


toukokuu 10, 2009, 12:47:11 ip #7 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 10, 2009, 12:49:33 ip käyttäjältä CyberDog
Do you have holes at the bottom of your pots? If you do it's much easier. Just flow the water through the pot. And let it drip excess water out...

Otherwise it's might not have a good way. But I really don't know. Haven't tested... Maybe a warm place and lot of air flow. Maximize the evaporation´...


Could it be that this has something to do with c. chinense species especially...? Yes, there has been similar cases with other species too, but I've noticed that it's pretty often seen on chinenses...

My Naga also had those crystals on the back of the leaves.

No harm done there. This Naga was growing normally, and it still is. No over watering there.

There is much of discussion going on about this on the finnish side too. Well, we'll just have to wait if someone could tell us the final truth about it. As I said, I didn't find it harmfull for the plant, but it would be interesting to know why it happens...
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First to CyberDog:
- yes, I have holes at the bottom of the pots and have a 1 cm layer of Seramis (clay granules) at the bottom
- but no ventilation, so I installed a small fan, working 15 minutes every hour - good idea with air circulation. thx!

Now to Wille:
- I have here Stromboli (Capsicum frutescens), Aurora (Capsicum annuum) and some others. Only Habanero but also another plant identified as being Capsicum anuum have those crystals. Just two plants, and I must say, I fertilize them all the same.

Now, Habanero grows rapidly despite the crystals; yes, it doesn't seem that this phenomenon causes any harm to plants. Just the leafs roll a bit their brinks... that was what annoyed me.
Let's observe further.


It's good to let your plants dry also, and as said... go easier with the ferts! :)
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Yep. Continue as normal after the flush. That mean let the soil dry between watering. You can let the fan run at whole light period. I have it on the same clock as light.


A couple of my plants had that when there wasn't good air circulation (& possibly they were a bit damp).

It's not gone from the leaves it was on originally, but new leaves don't have it.


toukokuu 12, 2009, 17:23:37 ip #13 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 12, 2009, 18:44:51 ip käyttäjältä lee
That what you see underneith the leaves is oedema. It's not a specific sign of giving to much fertilizers!!

Oedema occurs when roots take up water faster than it can be used by the plant or transpired through the leaves. Water pressure then builds up in the mesophyll or internal cells of the leaf causing them to enlarge and form tiny swollen blister­like areas.
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Lainaus käyttäjältä: lee - toukokuu 12, 2009, 17:23:37 ip
That what you see underneith the leaves is oedema. It's no sign of giving to much fertilizers!!

Oedema occurs when roots take up water faster than it can be used by the plant or transpired through the leaves. Water pressure then builds up in the mesophyll or internal cells of the leaf causing them to enlarge and form tiny swollen blister­like areas.

Great! Thanks Lee! And that stuff on the back of the leaves of my naga is not actually crystal-like. It's more like fuzz.
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Ah. I see... Maybe I should take the botanic course again... :-[


toukokuu 12, 2009, 18:27:40 ip #16 Viimeisin muokkaus: toukokuu 12, 2009, 20:58:49 ip käyttäjältä lee
I have a plant that show some signs of oedema that haven't been given any nutrients. So what is say is that other factors can cause oedema too.
My box was very humid during the day and relative cold at night.
What I did was added more ventilation, higher night time temps and watered the plants when lights switched on.

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


oedema in my case is when i had Overwaterd plants ,Humidity can cause problems to and with extreme high and lows between temps at day or night, if the plants are cramped together can cause problems to.Spacing plants further apart will help . :)


Right, That's why I installed a heating bulb to increase night time. My thoughts where also the big temp. difference.
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's