Pääkaupunkiseudulle talvitapaamista? Capital region meeting?

Aloittaja Tupakka, tammikuu 07, 2008, 14:40:18 ip

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Vähän tuli tuossa Tommin kanssa keskustellessa puheeksi, että voisi jälleen kerran(tällä kertaa tosissaan! :) ) järjestää jonkinlaista kokoontumista tänne pääkaupungin seudulle.

Tommille kelpaa tämä ja ensi viikonloppu, muuten menee helmikuun puolelle. Tarkoituksena oli kysyä teiltä sitten enemmän. Saataisiin tosiaan vähän lämpöä tähän talven kylmyyteen(jota ei tosin ole kovin paljon vielä ehtinyt kehittyä).

Myöskin täytyisi tietysti paikka miettiä. Nyt talviaikana täytyisi tosiaan sisälle päästä, joten yksi mahdollisuus olisi tuo ainakin itselle tuttu Ani. Mitäs muut ehdottavat?

In english: We had some thoughts about a new meeting again with Tommi. Possible dates would be this weekend and the one after that. Sometime in February would be the next possibility. One location could be the restaurant Ani we've been to a couple of times. Other ideas are also appreciated.


Chile Forum in Portuguese:


I'm in! Id prefer 18.1. but 12.1 is also OK.

Ani is quite small, so if people doesn't require luxus, then I's suggest Jorin Pelisali in Vallila (http://jorinpelisali.kyrohonka.net/)

After saturday races there should be room. People there are quite used to me and my chiles, so that is not a problem ;-)

Jori serves snacks and reasonably priced beer and cider. (beer will rise to whopping 3€/0,5l any day now though)


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "kyris"I'm in! Id prefer 18.1. but 12.1 is also OK.

Ani is quite small, so if people doesn't require luxus, then I's suggest Jorin Pelisali in Vallila (http://jorinpelisali.kyrohonka.net/)

After saturday races there should be room. People there are quite used to me and my chiles, so that is not a problem ;-)

Jori serves snacks and reasonably priced beer and cider. (beer will rise to whopping 3€/0,5l any day now though)

I got the impression that that place would be more like a bar. Correct me if i'm wrong. Anyways, considering that I and my possibly joining friend are under-aged, I was seeking for a more proper restaurant.

One place Tommi suggested is a restraurant called Peshawar in Espoo. //www.peshawar.fi Seems like a very suitable place even they don't have a buffet table at weekends.

Edit: Also, I would prefer 18.1 too.

Aji Inferno

Peshawar is a place I can really recommend. It's not the cheapest there is in Helsinki area, but it's not very expensive, either. All their dishes are natural, and large enough to fill anyone's stomach! ;) And they *do* have the hottest offerings in Finland... ;-)

It's easy to get to Peshawar by (please, check this) using bus lines 121, 122 and 128 to Espoo.


Jori only serves snacks, but underage people are welcome, as long as you don't drink alcohol.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "kyris"Jori only serves snacks, but underage people are welcome, as long as you don't drink alcohol.

Personally I was going to have a real meal while chatting about chiles and so on. Probably would be a good place to meet otherwise, but this time, I'm not interested.


If people want to eat at the meeting then Jori is not an option. Peshawar or Ani is OK for me

Aji Inferno

I'd prefer 18.1 if ok for you others... Seems like this weekend is going to be work, work, work...


Unfortunately 18.1 is impossible for me, since I will be travelling.  I could join on 12.1 (tomorrow) or 13.1 (this Sunday), if the others are available...

But don't worry about me.  Make the plans as will suit most and I'll join if possible. ;)
Chile Forum in Portuguese:


I just checked the calendar and noticed that the saturday is actually 19.1. That's the real date that's fine with me. 18.1 most likely isn't ok. Did you mean this too?

I would certainly be available this weekend but I'm afraid most of us would not. Also my friend I was going to invite has told me that he's busy this weekend.

It seems that next weekend is ok for most of us? And as it's already friday, tomorrow would probably be on a too short notice considering we haven't made any arrangements on times or even the actual place yet.

My suggestion is 19.1, around 3 o'clock in Peshawar.

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Tupakka"I just checked the calendar and noticed that the saturday is actually 19.1. That's the real date that's fine with me. 18.1 most likely isn't ok. Did you mean this too?

I would certainly be available this weekend but I'm afraid most of us would not. Also my friend I was going to invite has told me that he's busy this weekend.

It seems that next weekend is ok for most of us? And as it's already friday, tomorrow would probably be on a too short notice considering we haven't made any arrangements on times or even the actual place yet.

My suggestion is 19.1, around 3 o'clock in Peshawar.

Should work...



I have to skip this time. Just heard that a friend of mine (from Spain) will be in Helsinki this weekend...


Käytiin tuolla sitten syömässä Tommin kanssa kahden kesken. Ravintola oli ihan asiallinen ja ruoat maukkaita. Jäätelönkin sai lounashintaan.

Tosiaan sen arvoinen paikka, että tulevaisuudessa pakko järjestää useamman ihmisen miittiä tuolla.

Eräs paikan työntekijä(eihän se se omistaja ollut vai, Tommi?) maistoi Jersey Deathia eikä ilmekään värähtänyt. "Hyvää on", kuului vaan.

Aji Inferno

Joo, loistopaikka. Luomuruokaa - makua ja annoskokoa riittää! Ja talon oma chilisoosi on varmasti suomen parasta ja tulisinta. Henkilökunta on todella ystävällistä ja chilihulluja itsekin, eli osaavat arvostaa touhujamme! :D


Oisko mielenkiintoa kipaista Espoon Peshwariin, ja avata "yhteys" niinkuin tamperelaiset teki Gringos Locosiin?

Allekirjoittanut värväytyy valtuuskuntaan.

# www.chiliyhdistys.fi / jäsen 058 #


Tervehdys pitkästä aikaa!

Palaan itse Itä-Euroopasta (Virosta) puolivuotiseni jälkeen koti-Suomeen maaliskuun alussa. Pk-seudun kevätmiitti voisi kylvökauden aikana olla enemmän kuin paikallaan, eikö vain?


Joo, miittiä kehiin. Jos vaikka ensin syömään ja voihan siitä sitten jatkaa iltaa aikuisempi väki niin pitkälle kuin pippuri(jutut) jatkuu.