maaliskuu 14, 2025, 08:49:20 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Growing chile peppers in Stockholm, Sweden

Aloittaja patahontas, tammikuu 19, 2010, 22:15:25 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Hi patahontas!

That trinidad douglas is the one that i try to grow in this year.
Can you tell anything about its taste?
Is it worth of growing?


Lainaus käyttäjältä: MasaT - joulukuu 18, 2010, 23:45:02 ip
Hi patahontas!

That trinidad douglas is the one that i try to grow in this year.
Can you tell anything about its taste?
Is it worth of growing?

Hi! Definitly worth growing if you like the hot ones:) Quite simmilar to 7 pod brown, if not the same. I tried my pods when they where a little bit over ripe, the 7 pod brown got larger pods and where maybe a little bit better. But then again both are great. Some people say that the Trinidad Douglah is the hotter than Bhut Jolokia. Dont know about that, but its hot as hell:)

just look here:


Hi friends!

Here I go again:)

Started sowing 1 january 2011. Planted some later in January and February. Now is most time for repotting:)

The peppers that I am growing this year (some missing)

Aji Bolivian   baccatum
Aji Pineapple   baccatum
Aji from Viña del Mar   baccatum
Dong Xuan Market   baccatum
Inca Red Drop   baccatum
Jamican Bell   baccatum
Pimenta Barra-Do Ribeiro   baccatum
Mazaroni River, unknwon pepper from the rainforest in Guyana   Capsicum sp
7 Pod Classic   chinense
7 pod Jonah   chinense
Bhut Jolokia   chinense
Carmine Yellow   chinense
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia   chinense
Habanero Cappucino   chinense
Pimenta da Neyde   chinense
Scarlet Lantern   chinense
Trinidad Scorpion   chinense
White Habanero (Mild)   chinense
Datil Red   chinense
Serrano Stuard   annuum
Pimenta del Piquillo   annuum
Red Olive   baccatum
Peter Pepper   annuum
Kaili Mirch   annuum
Trinidad Bush   annuum
Heatwave   annuum
De Arbol   annuum
Ros De Mallorca   annuum
Alexander   annuum
Hot Banana   annuum
Big Banana Red   annuum
Pimento de Padron   annuum
Sivri Biber   annuum

also was given these peppers by friends, hard to say no.

Pepproncino rosso.
Bishops Crown, I will compare it with Jamaican Bell (Is there a difference, some people say that there is a difference)
Mini Bonnet.
Habanero Dulce.

January - germination of Habanero Cappucino

This mystical pepper looking up from the earth, I call it Mazaroni River as it found near the river in Guyana. It was found there by Orchid Hunters. Fruits are oval shape about 2 cm and germination occurred so quickly suggests that most of it is a Capsicum annuum. (Now confirmed annuum). My guess is a "wild or at least half wild:)" annuum.

The roots of Inca Red drop above ground?!? :)

Re potted for the first time, picture taken some weeks after reppoting.

Dont know if I want to grow this one, just tried the germnation. I belive all the seeds came up. Quite good for a wild one. Capsicum lanceolatum.

Pimenta Da Neyde

Pimenta da Neyde again

Overvintred Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, 6/3 2011

Mazaroni River flower

Harvest time in april, a pepper that (the seeds) was bought as Yellow Bhut Jolokia (overwintred plant).

Have a great time my friends.




¨käynks mä usein täällä?¨


Looking really good, good pictures too. Please do report more about the "Mazaroni River" as it progresses, it sounds very interesting.


Hi Patrik,
I am a regular reader of your blog, but it is nice to see you here. Very nice pictures.
You have so many strange named chillies, please tell us how they grow and most of all, how they taste.


Thanks Guys!

And yes I will report more of the Mazaroni River. Named by me as it was found close to Mazaroni River in Guyana.
Aji from Viña del Mar is another named by me. It was given to me by a friend who has relatives who grow this pepper in Viña del Mar, Chile.


This fun peppers I got from orchid collectors. They had been on a trip in to rain forest in Guyana. Near Mazaroni River, they ran on this chile pepper. They have enjoyed this variety much and cultivated it with success in Stockholm, Sweden. Now I grow it for the first time. I must say that so far it is one of my favorites this year. It bloomed first and has a bushy growth habit and looks nice.

That it is a Capsicum annuum (or closely related), there is no doubt. So far only one flower per nod.

The foliage is healthy and looks set to thrive.

Now I hope that the plant is to be as promising as it has been so far.

The plant is slightly more hairy than normal capsicum annuum.


Some pics from 2011
Pimenta Barra Do Ribeiro Trinidad Bush Kali Mirch PI585273 Capsicum pubescens Serrano Stuard Mazaroni River - very tasty and hot pepper Aji Pineapple (mobile phone photo) Padron and tomato Some harvest, The white pepper is the White Habanero (mild).


More pictures:)
Bhut Jolokia
Pimenta Da Neyde
Chocholate Bhut Jolokia
7 Pod

and finaly a start of 2012

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

Happy Hollidays



I absolutely fell in love with those pics! Fantastic job, I swear I can almost taste the capsaicin. You don't happen to have any more of those have you?  ;)

A few chiles stood out, Kali Mirch, Pimenta Da Neyde and Pimenta Barra Do Ribeiro look intriguing.

All in all, looking forward to your next season.

Klikkaa kuvaa ja lue kasvatuksistani!



Of course Im intressteded in a trade. I am just starting My 2012 season. Any suggestions? Which pepper is a must 2012:)




Lainaus käyttäjältä: patahontas - joulukuu 27, 2011, 22:56:03 ip
Of course Im intressteded in a trade. I am just starting My 2012 season. Any suggestions? Which pepper is a must 2012:)

would you trade with me as well?  :)



This year I am growing loads of peppers. But many of the seeds are old - so some wont grow. Some of the wild ones has the wrong species I belive.

7 pot Brain Strain
7 Pot Primo
Aji Cristal
Aji Golden
Aji Largo
Aji Russian Yellow
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia
Biquinho Iracena
Black Naga
Bode Roxa
Bolivan Small Red Capsicum Chacoense
Brazillian Red Pumkin
Cap 1035 Capsicum Eximium
Cap 1141 C.Praetermissum
Cap 1153 Capsicum Chacoense
CAP 1491 C.sp
Cap 1530
Cap 215 Capsicum Microcarpum
Cap 500 Capsicum Eximium
Capsicum Tovarii (CGN 22876)
CGN 19182 (C.emimium x C.pubescens?)
CGN 19198 C.sp
CGN 20497 C.Cardinasii
CGN 20805 Capsicum praetermissum
CGN 24332 Capsicum Buforum
Chile De Seda
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Co 00280 C.sp
CO 0948 baccatum
CO 1220 baccatum
CO 5061 baccatum
Columbian Orange Lantern PI 275127
Consteno Amarillo
Diente de Perro
Dominica Red (Habanero)
Ecuadorian Light Green
Fatalii Red
Goats Weed
Grif 15020 Capsicum Flexuosum
Guindilla Blanca
Habanero Brown Large
Habanero St. Martin
Hot Lemon
Inca Red Drop
Jalapeno Herkules
Mazaroni River
Naga Viper
Peru Yellow
Peruivan Poniter
PI 238047
PI 585261 Ultra Pube
PI 631154 C.Flexuosum
PI 645681 C.Eximium
Pimenta Barra Do Ribeiro
Pimenta Da Neyde
Rain Forest
Rica Yellow
Rocoto Grandis
Shiny Red PI 802351
Stor Spansk Paprika
Trinidad Scorpion BT
Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend


helmikuu 17, 2012, 11:33:14 ap #36 Viimeisin muokkaus: helmikuu 17, 2012, 11:44:42 ap käyttäjältä aropupu
Lainaus käyttäjältä: patahontas - helmikuu 14, 2012, 23:24:25 ip
Some of the wild ones has the wrong species I belive.


Cap 1035 Capsicum Eximium = C. chinense (non-wild)
CAP 1491 C. sp = C. eximium
Cap 1530 = C. cardenasii
Cap 215 Capsicum Microcarpum = C. baccatum var. baccatum
CGN 19182 (C.emimium x C.pubescens?) = "type between annuum and frutescens" ?
CGN 24332 Capsicum Buforum = C. eximium
PI 645681 C.Eximium = C. frutescens

Mostly growing stuff from the research institutions seems to be like playing the lottery, at least when it comes to the wild varieties :)

Great list and absolutely beautiful pictures, looking forward to seeing your season. And i truly hope that you'll get GRIF 15020 C. flexuosum to germinate and produce fruit, as the grower community could really use some seeds. Managed to get six seeds this year but it seems i won't be getting a plant out of them.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: aropupu - helmikuu 17, 2012, 11:33:14 ap
Lainaus käyttäjältä: patahontas - helmikuu 14, 2012, 23:24:25 ip
Some of the wild ones has the wrong species I belive.


Cap 1035 Capsicum Eximium = C. chinense (non-wild)
CAP 1491 C. sp = C. eximium
Cap 1530 = C. cardenasii
Cap 215 Capsicum Microcarpum = C. baccatum var. baccatum
CGN 19182 (C.emimium x C.pubescens?) = "type between annuum and frutescens" ?
CGN 24332 Capsicum Buforum = C. eximium
PI 645681 C.Eximium = C. frutescens

Mostly growing stuff from the research institutions seems to be like playing the lottery, at least when it comes to the wild varieties :)

Great list and absolutely beautiful pictures, looking forward to seeing your season. And i truly hope that you'll get GRIF 15020 C. flexuosum to germinate and produce fruit, as the grower community could really use some seeds. Managed to get six seeds this year but it seems i won't be getting a plant out of them.


Thanks, I agree its a lottery. I saw one of them was labeled CGN 198182 #2  (C.sp x C.pubescens?). There must be a misstake in there. Any Ideas of what it could be?


Lainaus käyttäjältä: patahontas - helmikuu 17, 2012, 19:31:11 ip
Lainaus käyttäjältä: aropupu - helmikuu 17, 2012, 11:33:14 ap
Lainaus käyttäjältä: patahontas - helmikuu 14, 2012, 23:24:25 ip
Some of the wild ones has the wrong species I belive.


Cap 1035 Capsicum Eximium = C. chinense (non-wild)
CAP 1491 C. sp = C. eximium
Cap 1530 = C. cardenasii
Cap 215 Capsicum Microcarpum = C. baccatum var. baccatum
CGN 19182 (C.emimium x C.pubescens?) = "type between annuum and frutescens" ?
CGN 24332 Capsicum Buforum = C. eximium
PI 645681 C.Eximium = C. frutescens

Mostly growing stuff from the research institutions seems to be like playing the lottery, at least when it comes to the wild varieties :)

Great list and absolutely beautiful pictures, looking forward to seeing your season. And i truly hope that you'll get GRIF 15020 C. flexuosum to germinate and produce fruit, as the grower community could really use some seeds. Managed to get six seeds this year but it seems i won't be getting a plant out of them.


Thanks, I agree its a lottery. I saw one of them was labeled CGN 198182 #2  (C.sp x C.pubescens?). There must be a misstake in there. Any Ideas of what it could be?

It might be CGN 19198 #2 C.eximium x C.pubescens


Hi Guys - Its been a while. But here are my favorites of 2012. 7 Pot Primo - best scorpion shape ever!

This one is not the regular Red Fatalii, but it also go under the name Red Fatalii. I got it from an American gentleman. I have seldom seen a capsicum chinense been so prolific as this one! Highly recommended!

A capsicum chinense that seemed to like the cold summer of 2012. Columbian Orange Lantern PI 257127. Quite small and very very tasty - nice heat as well!

A pepper named by my friend Mats after his wife: Patricia. As you see its a capsicum baccatum. These peppers had really long tails and were the best tasting baccatum with this shape I have ever tasted. Nice heat as well (hotter that the regular Jamaican Bell etc).

Friggitello is a chile pepper variety with The Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit (AGM). It's well worth it! Besides that it always gives abundant harvest so keeps the plant very healthy. I love to fry it in olive oil like I do with Padron. The variety always gives better yield than padron is my experience. The variety has no heat but is very good nonetheless!

2012 was not the best year for growing peppers in Sweden. Many plants did only produce a very small harvest and some pods had to be harvested while still green. Like these TS Morouga Yellow.

The capsicum pubescens did seem to like the weather and was earlier than ever before. I did grow Aji Largo and...

...PI 585261 and...

...and Rocoto Grandis. All with good results.

Have a nice december


Patrik with family